Its not the roster but rather the results I'm referring to, and here is the math to confirm this and the results don't lie !!!.
2017-18 inherited team:
49 wins & 105 points in 82 games and Lost in round #1
Has Dubas since taking over as the GM exceeded any one of those 3 X marks as in Wins/season, Points/season or advancement in the playoffs? The answer is NO!!
In fact stats show the team has produced wins at a lower rate since the GM change.
Inherited Team =
.598 wins per game rate (49W/82 games). [at 49 wins/season in 2 full seasons you would have 98 wins if the new GM simply kept the same inherited pace
with no improvement over 164 games]. At that rate it should have taken just
167 games to reach 100 wins to break-even on inherited pace.
Despite adding a #1 franchise C in JT it took Dubas
176 games to reach 100 wins =
.568 wins/game rate (
100W/176 games).
The actual results show post GM change the team is producing wins at a lower rate/game than the inherited team of 2017-18 to achieve this new fastest Leafs GM to 100 wins mark.
PS. The fact that the team lost in Qualifying round and didn't even make it to the final 16 and round #1 last year also reflects decline in success and not advancement beyond the inherited team, which was the main reason for the GM change to alter playoff fortunes, in the first place.