I certainly could move to Tennessee but I will not for a variety of reasons. One, a reason we cannot discuss because it involves politics and that is a forbidden topic on the boards. Two, it is way too hot and humid for me in the summer, and the winters are a lot colder than in California at times. Three, I find many of the cultural aspects unacceptable, and I am not a fan of country music, guns, deer hunting, beer, and preachers. Four, religion plays way too important a part in the lives of too many people. I can't count the number of times in conversations between Tennessee residents I heard the comment, "What church do you go to?" That seems more to be a question of which of the 8,000 Baptist churches do you go to. Five, I always found the famed 'hospitality' to be a bit phony to an outsider. We'll be nice as long as you leave all your money here. Six, Confederate veneration. Seven, on home football game Saturdays the U of T stadium becomes the third largest city in the state. Football is the second, and maybe first, religion in the state on those days, and I have already commented on my feelings on living in a society with a deep religious focus. Eight, I dealt with a lot of really dumb people out there, more so than in California.
On the positive side I saw a woman wearing what has become one of my favorite t-shirt expressions, "Kissing a person who smokes is like licking the inside of an ashtray." I had a really really good meal in Nashville one time. The Chattanooga aquarium is fantastic. The Peabody Hotel duck parade in Memphis is worth seeing once (and only once), and the duck shaped soap in the hotel is a good gimmick gift to bring home and give to someone. And somewhere in my pile of otherwise discarded items is my Tennessee Colonel certificate signed by the then governor and recent senator, Lamar Alexander. I was thinking of starting my Tennessee Fried Chicken chain, but I never got around to it.
As for the tax savings, money is only useful to buy options in life. If I am otherwise unhappy, saving the state income tax is not worth it. If someone wants to move to Tennessee and if it makes you happy, make the move and enjoy yourself. I certainly don't begrudge anyone that. But I am a California boy, born and raised here, lived here all my life, and I will die here.