Social Media Septic Tank Thread

Lord Defect

Secretary of Blowtorching
Nov 13, 2013
I can’t quite remember what your other sin was, but I feel like this isn’t your first dogshit food take…

Maybe something about not eating cheese?

Either way, you’re dangerously close to going on the naughty list next to @LegionOfDoom91 and his anti-Five Guys heresy.

Mayo is great. Especially god tier Kewpie mayo. Turkey is the weak link in that sandwich, honestly.
This is some bullshit strike, I’m the head of the five guys is hot trash coalition.

Sandwiches in general are ****ing awful- let's just say I'm not a bread person... or a deli meat* person- but if I've gotta eat one (assuming it's not PBJ or something like that) I can't do it without an assload of mayo.

*yes, I'm aware this is not the only kind of sandwich filling but it is by far the most common.
Sandwich filling? You mean condiments?


Former Flyers Fan
Jun 2, 2013
Maybe we can summon him to defend himself like before when he freaked out on Andy and Rono because they dare to use scary analytics?


And then, while he’s here, we can have an intervention about stooping so low as to have that legally braindead DiMarco f*** on his shows
Told you it would work. 3 for 3 on this.

Draw the pentagram, light the candles, @, and poof.

You are always so uplifting. Cheers. You guys hate just about everyone that has a public voice. But that is cool. To each his own. Hope everyone has a good holiday. Cheers.

:laugh: You and the rest of the media are lucky you get away with as much as you do and don't get a fraction of the "hate" you all deserve for the awful "work" you all do, simply because the average fan is too clueless to call you all on your constant bullshit.

I could put together a Hall of Fame Horror collection of insane, indefensible statements from every damn media member I've seen covering this team. Not a single one has a shred of credibility left.

And sorry, but maybe I'd be a little more "uplifting" if I didn't have to watch a horrifically bad team, representing a dead org, that gets turd-polished by clueless writers/podcasters/bloggers/broadcasters.

Edit - Oh I forgot... the intervention! DiMarco is one of the dumbest people on Flyers twitter and the fact that anybody is giving him the time of day is an embarrassment to the fanbase. Having him on your podcast only delegitimizes you and makes the product worse. He pretends to have sources by shitting out "yeah... no shit" vague statements in the format of "I'm hearing x might happen but it also might not", he can't evaluate players to save his life and doesn't understand the sport at a basic level, and routinely alternates between crying about people using analytics to push a narrative and then he himself using analytics wrong to push a narrative.
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Registered User
May 8, 2016
Told you it would work. 3 for 3 on this.

Draw the pentagram, light the candles, @, and poof.

:laugh: You and the rest of the media are lucky you get away with as much as you do and don't get a fraction of the "hate" you all deserve for the awful "work" you all do, simply because the average fan is too clueless to call you all on your constant bullshit.

I could put together a Hall of Fame Horror collection of insane, indefensible statements from every damn media member I've seen covering this team. Not a single one has a shred of credibility left.

And sorry, but maybe I'd be a little more "uplifting" if I didn't have to watch a horrifically bad team, representing a dead org, that gets turd-polished by clueless writers/podcasters/bloggers/broadcasters.

Edit - Oh I forgot... the intervention! DiMarco is one of the dumbest people on Flyers twitter and the fact that anybody is giving him the time of day is an embarrassment to the fanbase. Having him on your podcast only delegitimizes you and makes the product worse. He pretends to have sources by shitting out "yeah... no shit" vague statements in the format of "I'm hearing x might happen but it also might not", he can't evaluate players to save his life and doesn't understand the sport at a basic level, and routinely alternates between crying about people using analytics to push a narrative and then he himself using analytics wrong to push a narrative.
You are entitled to your opinion. And if you are so angry about it. Why don’t you start your own website or blog and educate everyone on how you would do the job by doing it. My guess is it is easier for you to criticize everyone with broad strokes. You can get off the sideline, put some skin in the game and be judged. But I doubt you would do that. If you do, I will consume your coverage and judge it accordingly.


Foundational Titan
Jun 19, 2018
You are always so uplifting. Cheers. You guys hate just about everyone that has a public voice. But that is cool. To each his own. Hope everyone has a good holiday. Cheers.
We actually just hate the Flyers

Thanks for dropping by! Your takes are always so entertaining. Happy holidays, Jdawg. The results write the jokes themselves, and being 5'7 it's pretty rare for me to get to dunk on people as hard as you and your Twitter friends. Keep up the great work


Sanheim Lover
Oct 19, 2006
@Striiker lmk when the podcast drops.

We actually just hate the Flyers

Thanks for dropping by! Your takes are always so entertaining. Happy holidays, Jdawg. The results write the jokes themselves, and being 5'7 it's pretty rare for me to get to dunk on people as hard as you and your Twitter friends. Keep up the great work
My Short King <3


Former Flyers Fan
Jun 2, 2013
You are entitled to your opinion. And if you are so angry about it. Why don’t you start your own website or blog and educate everyone on how you would do the job by doing it. My guess is it is easier for you to criticize everyone with broad strokes. You can get off the sideline, put some skin in the game and be judged. But I doubt you would do that. If you do, I will consume your coverage and judge it accordingly.

Are you offering to sponsor my start as a professional hockey shitposter? :laugh:

It's a super tempting offer but I'm not interested in spending any more of my time on this horrible team than I already do. The only reason I'm still here and paying any attention are the people who post here, who I've been talking to for almost a decade now, not this embarrassing dogshit team/organization.

Plus, unfortunately, there's nearly zero appetite for real Flyers reporting. The reason the Flyers reporting/writing/media game is as weak as it is is the fact that the vast majority of the fanbase doesn't know any better and doesn't demand any better. They accept the slop they're being fed and get upset any time someone tells the truth. I've seen countless twitter threads where the rare knowledgeable fan dares to go against the grain. Doesn't go to well. Ignored, blocked, and swarmed by casual fans who can't even string two sentences together.

The problem is most fans are as gullible as they are uninformed, so they gobble up the team's bullshit (through their media mouthpieces) and actually believe it. Stuff like the problem of the last few years being effort, the locker room, intangibles, a lack of grit and toughness, a lack of accountability, and other utter nonsense like that. We obviously know that's not the real problem, but outside of this board we're the overwhelming minority.

Fun fact for you: there's actually a guy who used to regularly post on this board who did what you're suggesting. He used his real name, he wrote real articles for various sites, and even though he provided more value than everyone else who covers the Flyers combined, he's not a big name like they are. Most fans just don't want that type of content... they want the type of shit Bill Meltzer or Jordan Hall or Sam Carchidi shit out every day.

If you want my thoughts specifically, I've posted over 84,000 times on this board and I'd guess at least 1000 of those are at least loosely related to hockey. Feel free to use the search function to find out any of my opinions on specific topics, like analytics, Torts, Fletcher, or anything else. I'd recommend my thoughts on 1970's hockey as some of my best work, but it's up to you. Some real good stuff about birds too.


Entirely Palatable Product
Apr 25, 2016
Huron of the Lakes
You are entitled to your opinion. And if you are so angry about it. Why don’t you start your own website or blog and educate everyone on how you would do the job by doing it. My guess is it is easier for you to criticize everyone with broad strokes. You can get off the sideline, put some skin in the game and be judged. But I doubt you would do that. If you do, I will consume your coverage and judge it accordingly.

I think most rational people don't fault you for having a job with the Flyers that you enjoy. Everyone sells something. As for putting "skin in the game," you're the Philadelphia Flyers Digital Content Creator. Your job is quite literally to promote the organization, with the occasional sighed half-truth thrown in to keep up appearances. If I don't fault you for biting the hand that feeds, don't fault me for going nose blind from the bullshit roundtable videos.

Maybe the Flyers, and you, should worry less about people "getting off the sidelines" (whatever that means) and getting into the seats. You have a television network, owned by Comcast, that specifically babies the Flyers coverage. Any Flyers provided media whistles Dixie. There's pretty much 2 places to get honest intelligent Flyers criticism: more professionally, the Athletic, and very less professionally, fan forums like this. I can only imagine the horror of Flyers employees realizing how hyper aware and checked out we really are.


Former Flyers Fan
Jun 2, 2013
Also you're right, broads strokes are unfair. How about we get specific.

These are the types of tweets, Jason, that deserve to be mocked and criticized.





And as a general rule, in the year 2022 a hockey media member can not properly do their job if they have an obvious contempt for analytics and say shit like above. Time to evolve. And don't give me the "I value analytics and use them myself!" crap.

*And before the inevitable strawman, nobody says you need to "worship at the altar of analytics" and only use them. But also you can't flip out when others do and default to claiming that the person exclusively evaluates using them in an attempt to invalidate their argument*

Here's a couple other bonus examples of shit takes that made me chuckle




Lord Defect

Secretary of Blowtorching
Nov 13, 2013
We actually just hate the Flyers

Thanks for dropping by! Your takes are always so entertaining. Happy holidays, Jdawg. The results write the jokes themselves, and being 5'7 it's pretty rare for me to get to dunk on people as hard as you and your Twitter friends. Keep up the great work
I could definitely fit you in a cargo pocket
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1 year 3 days and counting
Jan 17, 2012
The Universe
The Internet is forever. There are receipts. The average poster here isn't going to put on the orange tinted glasses. If your average Joe or Jane start realizing the franchise is heading in the wrong direction, maybe it's time to reflect on the fact that the franchise has no direction. I did not watch one second of the team last year, haven't watched one second this year. Hiring these old school dinosaurs as a bandaid and bringing in "hockey guys" isn't going to work. I don't even give this organization the benefit of the doubt anymore like it's some 500 IQ take that they're zigging when the rest of the league is zagging. These chuckleheads legitimately think they're doing the best job. They're not. Don't try to trade me a base set Magikarp for a 1st edition shadowless Charizard. Most of us know when we're getting bullshitted.


Former Flyers Fan
Jun 2, 2013
The Internet is forever. There are receipts. The average poster here isn't going to put on the orange tinted glasses. If your average Joe or Jane start realizing the franchise is heading in the wrong direction, maybe it's time to reflect on the fact that the franchise has no direction. I did not watch one second of the team last year, haven't watched one second this year. Hiring these old school dinosaurs as a bandaid and bringing in "hockey guys" isn't going to work. I don't even give this organization the benefit of the doubt anymore like it's some 500 IQ take that they're zigging when the rest of the league is zagging. These chuckleheads legitimately think they're doing the best job. They're not. Don't try to trade me a base set Magikarp for a 1st edition shadowless Charizard. Most of us know when we're getting bullshitted.

Flyers since 2018:



Registered User
May 8, 2016
Also you're right, broads strokes are unfair. How about we get specific.

These are the types of tweets, Jason, that deserve to be mocked and criticized.





And as a general rule, in the year 2022 a hockey media member can not properly do their job if they have an obvious contempt for analytics and say shit like above. Time to evolve. And don't give me the "I value analytics and use them myself!" crap.

*And before the inevitable strawman, nobody says you need to "worship at the altar of analytics" and only use them. But also you can't flip out when others do and default to claiming that the person exclusively evaluates using them in an attempt to invalidate their argument*

Here's a couple other bonus examples of shit takes that made me chuckle



You can disagree with “shit” takes all you want. That is your right. You have your opinions which I guess are resoundingly correct. Congrats on that. You must be very proud. As far as my opinions, some I have been dead ass on about. Others have been proven to be flawed. It happens. I also tend to talk to quite a few people that work in league and some whose opinions I value a great deal. You clearly have an issue with me and how I do my job and earn a living and that’s cool. Keep doing you and I will keep doing me. You probably won’t like it, but I can’t please everyone. I have no problem with people criticizing me. Comes with the turf. Have a good night. I have to work now. Cheers.


Registered User
May 8, 2016
I think most rational people don't fault you for having a job with the Flyers that you enjoy. Everyone sells something. As for putting "skin in the game," you're the Philadelphia Flyers Digital Content Creator. Your job is quite literally to promote the organization, with the occasional sighed half-truth thrown in to keep up appearances. If I don't fault you for biting the hand that feeds, don't fault me for going nose blind from the bullshit roundtable videos.

Maybe the Flyers, and you, should worry less about people "getting off the sidelines" (whatever that means) and getting into the seats. You have a television network, owned by Comcast, that specifically babies the Flyers coverage. Any Flyers provided media whistles Dixie. There's pretty much 2 places to get honest intelligent Flyers criticism: more professionally, the Athletic, and very less professionally, fan forums like this. I can only imagine the horror of Flyers employees realizing how hyper aware and checked out we really are.
Someone tagged me and I responded. Trust me. I don’t worry about it. I have no problem debating the topics. Most people in the media or that do what I do wouldn’t respond. I am a big boy. I can handle it.


Registered User
May 8, 2016
Are you offering to sponsor my start as a professional hockey shitposter? :laugh:

It's a super tempting offer but I'm not interested in spending any more of my time on this horrible team than I already do. The only reason I'm still here and paying any attention are the people who post here, who I've been talking to for almost a decade now, not this embarrassing dogshit team/organization.

Plus, unfortunately, there's nearly zero appetite for real Flyers reporting. The reason the Flyers reporting/writing/media game is as weak as it is is the fact that the vast majority of the fanbase doesn't know any better and doesn't demand any better. They accept the slop they're being fed and get upset any time someone tells the truth. I've seen countless twitter threads where the rare knowledgeable fan dares to go against the grain. Doesn't go to well. Ignored, blocked, and swarmed by casual fans who can't even string two sentences together.

The problem is most fans are as gullible as they are uninformed, so they gobble up the team's bullshit (through their media mouthpieces) and actually believe it. Stuff like the problem of the last few years being effort, the locker room, intangibles, a lack of grit and toughness, a lack of accountability, and other utter nonsense like that. We obviously know that's not the real problem, but outside of this board we're the overwhelming minority.

Fun fact for you: there's actually a guy who used to regularly post on this board who did what you're suggesting. He used his real name, he wrote real articles for various sites, and even though he provided more value than everyone else who covers the Flyers combined, he's not a big name like they are. Most fans just don't want that type of content... they want the type of shit Bill Meltzer or Jordan Hall or Sam Carchidi shit out every day.

If you want my thoughts specifically, I've posted over 84,000 times on this board and I'd guess at least 1000 of those are at least loosely related to hockey. Feel free to use the search function to find out any of my opinions on specific topics, like analytics, Torts, Fletcher, or anything else. I'd recommend my thoughts on 1970's hockey as some of my best work, but it's up to you. Some real good stuff about birds too.
Thanks for the thoughtful reply. I appreciate it. I will try and check out some of it.


Registered User
May 8, 2016
Are you offering to sponsor my start as a professional hockey shitposter? :laugh:

It's a super tempting offer but I'm not interested in spending any more of my time on this horrible team than I already do. The only reason I'm still here and paying any attention are the people who post here, who I've been talking to for almost a decade now, not this embarrassing dogshit team/organization.

Plus, unfortunately, there's nearly zero appetite for real Flyers reporting. The reason the Flyers reporting/writing/media game is as weak as it is is the fact that the vast majority of the fanbase doesn't know any better and doesn't demand any better. They accept the slop they're being fed and get upset any time someone tells the truth. I've seen countless twitter threads where the rare knowledgeable fan dares to go against the grain. Doesn't go to well. Ignored, blocked, and swarmed by casual fans who can't even string two sentences together.

The problem is most fans are as gullible as they are uninformed, so they gobble up the team's bullshit (through their media mouthpieces) and actually believe it. Stuff like the problem of the last few years being effort, the locker room, intangibles, a lack of grit and toughness, a lack of accountability, and other utter nonsense like that. We obviously know that's not the real problem, but outside of this board we're the overwhelming minority.

Fun fact for you: there's actually a guy who used to regularly post on this board who did what you're suggesting. He used his real name, he wrote real articles for various sites, and even though he provided more value than everyone else who covers the Flyers combined, he's not a big name like they are. Most fans just don't want that type of content... they want the type of shit Bill Meltzer or Jordan Hall or Sam Carchidi shit out every day.

If you want my thoughts specifically, I've posted over 84,000 times on this board and I'd guess at least 1000 of those are at least loosely related to hockey. Feel free to use the search function to find out any of my opinions on specific topics, like analytics, Torts, Fletcher, or anything else. I'd recommend my thoughts on 1970's hockey as some of my best work, but it's up to you. Some real good stuff about birds too.
And I would love to put a podcast out of a group of good communicators from this forum on my personal podcast network. I do think that could perhaps be good content that fills a void in coverage.


Former Flyers Fan
Jun 2, 2013
You have your opinions which I guess are resoundingly correct. Congrats on that. You must be very proud. As far as my opinions, some I have been dead ass on about. Others have been proven to be flawed. It happens. I also tend to talk to quite a few people that work in league and some whose opinions I value a great deal.
Oh come on now, Jason. :laugh:

I don't know everything about hockey, I'm wrong all the time, and there's tons of people on this board alone who know way more than I ever will.

I'm not a writer, I'm not a podcaster, I'm not a broadcaster, I'm not a hockey tactician, I'm not an analytics guru, or anything else like that.

But here's the key point: I'm not paid to be. I don't have a responsibility to be as informed as I possibly can be. I shitpost on a forum for fun, so I don't need to be held to the same standard as paid professionals who are responsible for covering the team and informing the average fan.

I just so happen to understand the bare minimum about the sport and can see horrific mistakes and horrible players from 1000 miles away, while the team and media, somehow, apparently, can not.

If I had done what you suggested and wrote about the team, I'd have wasted my time just to be lit up by this miserable fanbase for daring to roast AV and Fletcher back in 2019 when there were massive red flags popping up daily. And I was clearly right. AV was a horrible joke and Fletchers been a complete disaster in every single aspect of his job. Most fans have finally come around to these two facts. That's not even a good call on my part or something to be proud of... it was painfully obvious.

And that's just one example of many. Point is: If even an idiot like me can call this obvious shit, how the hell can the paid professionals not? Are they that out of touch or are they just dishonest? Either way, they have no credibility and no worth, which is why I have zero patience for any of them.

You clearly have an issue with me and how I do my job and earn a living and that’s cool. Keep doing you and I will keep doing me. You probably won’t like it, but I can’t please everyone. I have no problem with people criticizing me. Comes with the turf. Have a good night. I have to work now. Cheers.
As I said above, I have an issue with ALL Flyers media. You're not being targeted or singled out, you're just a part of that group, have had your share of absurd takes (see above), and are the only one who happens to be here right now.

And it's not that you've been wrong that the problem. It's why you've been wrong that I have an issue with. The disregarding of analytics, falling for hockey cliches and outdated bullshit, and so on. It's the process, not the result.

On top of that, I want to be clear about another thing. Nobody expects the people who work for (or closely with) the team to light them up constantly and talk about them as irreverently as I/we do. There's a working relationship there and media members have to be professional for the most part. But there's an ultra-massive grey area between defending the indefensible and risking their career.
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