Roster thread: Get To Work (2022-2023 Season)

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Push Dr Tracksuit

Gerstmann 3:16
Jun 9, 2012
If Craig Anderson is healthy all season he may he a lock for 30 starts. If UPL (somehow....and hopefully) gets around 17, all of a sudden Comrie might be wondering why he signed here. 35 starts this season is more than he has ever had in a season, but less than what he was expecting I'm sure.

It may not shake out like laid out above. But if Comrie simply isn't performing as well as the other two...

Its a tough spot for him...playing Florida, not getting the opening game, not being "beloved" like CA and now he has to be wondering if he is just a placeholder and extra guy as the franchise moves to UPL and Levi.

But its early, who the hell knows
Im not sure what you think they sold him on, but his agent certainly was aware that Buffalo has 3 significant goalie options in the minors, you don't have to be ms cleo to see that you've only got a season or 2 to show off in Buffalo before some prospects start chasing you down

comrie was a nice pick up but he was exactly spoiled for choice either

old kummelweck

Registered User
Nov 10, 2003
So, I didn't agree with a lot of what Vanek thinks about the Sabres roster (like, I think he's yet another player who is viewing the league through his own dated experience), but he made a point on ATW about how he didn't think there was enough ice time for Peterka and Quinn, especially PP time. He said that Quinn, if only playing 10 or 11 minutes in the NHL, is better served in the AHL (of course, Vanek has no idea there is no ice time for him there either).

He also said the Sabres do not have a #1 line, and that TT is not a center. I personally do not see VO as a top-6 even strength player and should be getting that ice time, and was serious when I said I like Hinostroza in that spot.

Interesting hearing his views.


Give 'em Enough Rope
Feb 28, 2002
Goofy goal songs - we have heard the silliness of things like the U20 selections for a while now right? It’s all a bit lighthearted.


Regstred User
Dec 29, 2013
I'd give Quinn and Power the west coast trip as well. If they look really out of place they will have to give room to Hino and Pilut.

I know that this year is about learning but you learn from winning and building confidence. Not just collecting minutes. I see no harm in letting them sit or spend time in the AHL. It's a loooong season after all.
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Oct 4, 2014
Just wondering how the kids look? Noticed peterka and krebs not getting much ice time. Is it a case of earn your minutes? Or is the coach loyal to the veterans?


HFBoards Sponsor
Feb 3, 2015
It's only been 2 games but Quinn hasn't gotten going at all. He's been credited with 1 shot attempt.

I wasn't expecting him to have 0 shots, 0 passes and less than a second of the puck on his stick through 2 games.

It's way too early to panic, but what do you think is causing this? He looked really good for his 2 game call up last year.

Seems like a lack of confidence or maybe a lingering injury? I noticed that he seemed to be waiting for the puck to come to him, rather than going and getting it. Tuch kinda stole the puck from him a few times just because Quinn didn't go and get it.

I think they should put him on one of the PP units just to force him into the play a bit. See if that wakes him up and gets him more engaged at 5v5. If after a few games of that he's still a complete non-factor it would be time to send him down to Rochester.
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Aug 2, 2005
It's only been 2 games but Quinn hasn't gotten going at all. He's been credited with 1 shot attempt.

I wasn't expecting him to have 0 shots, 0 passes and less than a second of the puck on his stick through 2 games.

It's way too early to panic, but what do you think is causing this? He looked really good for his 2 game call up last year.

Seems like a lack of confidence or maybe a lingering injury? I noticed that he seemed to be waiting for the puck to come to him, rather than going and getting it. Tuch kinda stole the puck from him a few times just because Quinn didn't go and get it.

I think they should put him on one of the PP units just to force him into the play a bit. See if that wakes him up and gets him more engaged at 5v5. If after a few games of that he's still a complete non-factor it would be time to send him down to Rochester.
He seems to be deferring to the vets on his line. He attempted to get involved more when it was him/Krebs/Peterka for a few shifts.
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Registered User
Oct 18, 2019
He seems to be deferring to the vets on his line. He attempted to get involved more when it was him/Krebs/Peterka for a few shifts.
Quinn definitely looks like he is playing shy, playing not to make mistakes, instead of being aggressive like he was in pre-season. I know they put Tuch on that line to help Casey, but it looks like two guys on one line that Tuch needs to help is too much. If you want to help Mitts then give him Aspland and Olofsson, or Hino and Tuch. Peterka on the other hand is just laying it all out and going after everything (almost reminds me of Marner a bit.) With Peterka I would not be shocked if Cozens is telling him to just go get it and driving him. Definitely going to be interesting to how Granato handles it all. It feels like they just introduced too many unknowns into the lines off the start.


Oct 28, 2006
Quinn definitely looks like he is playing shy, playing not to make mistakes, instead of being aggressive like he was in pre-season. I know they put Tuch on that line to help Casey, but it looks like two guys on one line that Tuch needs to help is too much. If you want to help Mitts then give him Aspland and Olofsson, or Hino and Tuch. Peterka on the other hand is just laying it all out and going after everything (almost reminds me of Marner a bit.) With Peterka I would not be shocked if Cozens is telling him to just go get it and driving him. Definitely going to be interesting to how Granato handles it all. It feels like they just introduced too many unknowns into the lines off the start.

Maybe sticking Quinn with Girgensons-Okposo for a bit would work.


The vets would take care of Quinn and give him the go ahead to be aggressive because they have his back.


Registered User
Apr 5, 2013
They're being out played as a whole. They were lucky to win against Ottawa and lucky to be close against Florida.

I don't expect Thompson/Skinner/Power to be this cold all season. Thompson's start is the most concerning to me, last year he averaged 4 shot attempts / game at 5v5. This year he's only had 3 through 2 games. He only had 1 such low back to back total last season.
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Deep Blue Metallic

Bo knows hockey.
Mar 5, 2021
Maybe sticking Quinn with Girgensons-Okposo for a bit would work.


The vets would take care of Quinn and give him the go ahead to be aggressive because they have his back.
Two vet linemates who can cycle, win board battles, and handle physical play might be just the tonic Quinn needs. He can focus on finding open ice to unleash his shot. Girgs at center is fine.

The top line needs to go back to what worked so well last season. Let's get Tage going first, and resume experimenting afterwards.
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Registered User
Apr 22, 2021

Obv, tells a story, but look into numbers a little, and Krebs and Quinn are being carried by line mates. So ya great that Krebs is #2, but with no blocks, 1 SOG on 2 SA, he's carried by JJP and Cozens (and prob Dahlin to some extent) and Quinn with his 1 SA (0 SOG) isnts really doing much to be at #7.

Guess point is more to numbers than just numbers. Mitts worse than Quinn...obv no.

Sabre the Win

Joke of a Franchise
Jun 27, 2013
I just happened to look at Matty Beniers stat line, wow the kid is really off to a great start being a PPG in his first 13. I don't have any regrets taking Power yet tho, even if Power turns into a very smooth defensive defensemen who can put up 40 points. I will still be happy with that over Beniers who might become a career PPG player. That might sound crazy but we had a PPG player in Eichel and it did us nothing so one player cant turn a franchise around. Even Crosby had Malkin, McDavid can't get deeper than the 2nd round. It took Ovechkin like 10 years before he won a ship and it wasn't until he discovered being a team player was more important than being that guy. He also had good goaltending and Wilson emerged.
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HFBoards Sponsor
Feb 3, 2015
Obv, tells a story, but look into numbers a little, and Krebs and Quinn are being carried by line mates. So ya great that Krebs is #2, but with no blocks, 1 SOG on 2 SA, he's carried by JJP and Cozens (and prob Dahlin to some extent) and Quinn with his 1 SA (0 SOG) isnts really doing much to be at #7.

Guess point is more to numbers than just numbers. Mitts worse than Quinn...obv no.
I think xGF is usually driven by shot attempt # and shot location?

So this doesn't really capture that Cozens and Mitts are the ones driving the good numbers for their line mates.

It does accurately capture 53, 72, 71.


HFBoards Sponsor
Sep 29, 2011
from Wheatfield, NY

Top two is how most of us saw things starting out. Bottom two is helping two rookies with more veteran or defensively responsible players, which I also prefer (although I had a different combo, but same concept). Overall, this is a more balanced set up. We'll see, as this roster is obviously going to be a work in progress regardless of lines.
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Registered User
Apr 22, 2021
I think xGF is usually driven by shot attempt # and shot location?

So this doesn't really capture that Cozens and Mitts are the ones driving the good numbers for their line mates.

It does accurately capture 53, 72, 71.
Shot attempts

Mitts (7). Tuch (9). Quinn (1)

Cozens (10) JJP (6) Krebs (2)

Agree location plays a part but not when your number is 1 or 2 vs 9 or 10. Also D men (Dahlin w/ 11) adds to it.

I'd say above numbers 100% capture that (for this stat) Quinn and Krebs are beneficiaries of their lines production. (unless I am missing something) You can argue if they play a role in those shot attempts, but outside of Krebs Assist, Keith him nor Quinn has been much involved in the shots.


Registered User
Apr 5, 2013
I just happened to look at Matty Beniers stat line, wow the kid is really off to a great start being a PPG in his first 13. I don't have any regrets taking Power yet tho, even if Power turns into a very smooth defensive defensemen who can put up 40 points. I will still be happy with that over Beniers who might become a career PPG player. That might sound crazy but we had a PPG player in Eichel and it did us nothing so one player cant turn a franchise around. Even Crosby had Malkin, McDavid can't get deeper than the 2nd round. It took Ovechkin like 10 years before he won a ship and it wasn't until he discovered being a team player was more important than being that guy. He also had good goaltending and Wilson emerged.

I have to block Beniers' page on hockey-reference
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