While I should have asked you to cite the stats, I had some spare time.
Ovie with Backstrom
1026 GP 628 G 492 A 1120 PT
0.612 Goals / G
0.48 Assts / G
1.092 Point / G
Without Backstrom
133 GP 84 G 60 A 144 PT
0.632 Goals / G
0.451 Assts / G
1.083 Point / G
Goals go up 0.02 /game
Assists go down .03 /game
Points go down .009 / game
Crosby With Malkin
879 GP 423 G 706 A 1129 PT
0.481 Goals / G
0.625 Assts / G
1.284 Point / G
Without Malkin
194 GP 77 G 155 A 232 PT
0.397 Goals / G
0.799 Assts / G
1.196 Point / G
Goals go down 0.09 / game
Assts go up 0.174/game
Points go down .09 / game
So as we see, Ovi adds .02 Goals per game without Backstrom, which is pretty negligible.
Sid loses .09 points per game without Malkin, but gets more assists.
Overall, it's really fairly insignificant. They both have played with really great teammates and both benefit greatly from it over the course of their entire careers. It's pretty much impossible to really take all variables into consideration to even come to a true understanding of the relationships between the players anyway.
The point anyway is that Backstrom is no slouch, and acting like Ovi had no help his entire career when he played on some really stacked teams is just re-writing history.