Yes. He's been vetted as of a few days ago. Dagoon is also vetted.
Someone mentioned a list of vetted posters and I think that's a good idea. We'll see if we can get something up for you guys.
Is that really necessary?
I think this is getting out of hand. Over the last decade I have met so many posters at this place that are tremendous resources, everything from people working for NHL teams to agents to parents to young players to reporters. Some have shared info directly on the board. Like 95% ends up being chased of the boards.
Why, why why why, does so many posters feel that they have a god given right to request that everything they read at this place is 100% confirmed? Why are they allowed to chase someone of the board just because the info it self -- like a rumor -- isn't liked by the poster?
If anyone drops any info at this place -- he will instantly be attacked by 20 posters. Why is that allowed? I definitely suggest that the people in charge of this place should consider if posters shall have a carte blanche to attack people providing insider information? I wonder if it wouldn't be a much better order if it was banned to challenge someone's credibility. If someone have any objections, it should go through the mods. Making up rumors should not be allowed, but I think sooner rather than later it would be pretty easy to spot who is a kid making stuff up and who isn't without even demanding vetting process. Like you and I who have been around for so long should pretty easily be able to spot what looks ok and what looks so fishy that we should require some kind of vetting.
Yes I have seen the other side, the old Canoe boards with 99ish% content consisting of people making up rumors. That's not good either, but this is getting absurd from another perspective. I do definitely feel that it's reasonable to request that some posters just skip posts that they don't like, they shouldn't be allowed to set the bar for everyone else. Like you know, they cannot know how "legit" some info is? Well can you when listening to Dreger? When reading any paper? No of course not. It's like New York Times has a really low standard in relation to what is requested by some posters at this place. What is that??
Sorry for the rant Kill, not directed at you!
Just feels this is getting out of hand.