You're a Leaffan.When you break up with someone and you say the meanest thing to them you can think of.
f*** that. Hating your team's owner more than you like yourself is just pointless self-flagellation.As much as it would totally suck
Pettersson saying I’m not re-signing would crater Aquilini.
It would be such a beautiful sight.
Yeah, when I see stuff like this or the poster saying they’re glad Boston beat us in 2011 because of FA being owner… are you guys serious? Or just overly emotional?f*** that. Hating your team's owner more than you like yourself is just pointless self-flagellation.
I think we have to find a way to enjoy the team knowing he's an owner (for me it's the fact that I loved the Canucks long before he came along, so I can protect that affection from my deep hatred for him), or stop cheering for the team.
What you're proposing is like taking your ex-wife back and then gets a debilitating illness.
Yeah but when exactly in that they didn’t want him back at all and thus the Canucks pay him his $500k buyout or whatever it was this offseason or at game 20?f*** Aquaman
Yeah but when exactly in that they didn’t want him back at all and thus the Canucks pay him his $500k buyout or whatever it was this offseason or at game 20?
Big difference between those 2.
If they willingly brought him back then yes, FA should be ticked that he’s blowing $1.5 mill extra in coaching costs.
But if FA wanted BB back then this is on him.
Franks tweet doesn’t indicate whether JR wanted a different HC going into the season or not.
Lol the media coming after FA now only a decade of him being so involved and meddling. Nothing from 2021 or earlier. Always defending Jimbo.
Finally the media is going after FA.Aquaman should be feeling the heat now, all the disastrous crap that has happened for now a decade is now coming home to roost. This f***ing prick can’t help himself, f*** him.
you love to see this. I don't think FA gives much of a shit about what fans say on twitter/reddit/hf. But getting roasted by more national media definitely has to piss him off.
FA won’t care too much about podcasters but it’s the national media that actually pays money to the nhl like ESPN, TNT, TSN, Rogers. When those guys really turn, that’s when it’s love to see this. I don't think FA gives much of a shit about what fans say on twitter/reddit/hf. But getting roasted by more national media definitely has to piss him off.
FAQ sort of f***ed himself by hiring Bruce and it may seem like someone in management is trying to push back.
Finally the media is going after FA.
But still, the media isn’t saying that JR didn’t want to have BB as the HC this season. What does months ago mean? After game 10 or in June when the deadline for his option was due?
Months plural is anything greater than 1.
Camp was in sept. Season began on Oct. it’s now late Jan so it’s been 5 months.
Just guessing by how it went down in the summer, but I don't think the team wanted to retain him, but with the Bonus buyout due were not allowed to use it. Forced to bring him back unless Bruce didn't want to come back. They clearly didn't want to exercise the opt out clause, but didn't want him back.
It appears that Rutherford/Allvin initially assumed they'd be able to select their coach this summer, and then at some point were told they wouldn't be able to and that ownership wasn't going to allow them to fire Boudreau or pay him out.
At that point, their only option to get their preferred coach in play was to force out Boudreau. This is why we saw the public criticism etc. I'm guessing they made it very obvious he had no future here, but when he measured interest around the league found there wasn't any and made the pragmatic $2 million decision to take his chances on coming back for another year.
Publicly forcing Boudreau out with these verbal jabs, does that not paint an incredibly shitty picture for ourselves?
I mean as much as I blame J-vin, and I do, there's probably this point in being a manager for the Canucks when you realize this whole "autonomy" thing you were told you have was snake oil. I think that threshold was crossed a while back when this circus started.
And now we basically solidified out reputation of being the raw vegan pizza equivalent of an NHL organization.
Lovely, that's just perfect...
It's not vegan, it's Beyond Pizza. Which coincidentally is what the team dishes out multiple times every game.
Just shows how little to no business sense FA has. If he wasn’t born into money he wouldn’t be living the life he does now.Yes.
It appears that Rutherford/Allvin initially assumed they'd be able to select their coach this summer, and then at some point were told they wouldn't be able to and that ownership wasn't going to allow them to fire Boudreau or pay him out.
At that point, their only option to get their preferred coach in play was to force out Boudreau. This is why we saw the public criticism etc. I'm guessing they made it very obvious he had no future here, but when he measured interest around the league found there wasn't any and made the pragmatic $2 million decision to take his chances on coming back for another year.