The shocking thing is that many adults really are this stupid, flat out. Lots of people get where they are by some combination of good fortune, connections, and general likability and can be shown to be complete morons pretty quickly because they've never really had to rely on smarts or hard work.
The Aquilinis are a different breed though, in that they are incredibly rich people who got incredibly rich purely off of owning an asset that has appreciated to a degree that would have been completely unforeseeable when they first purchased the asset (Vancouver real estate). Once you own the continuously appreciating asset and you're in the family generation when the asset explodes to an obscene degree, nothing has ever been asked of you in your life because there has always been someone to both do the hard work (the business to actually function around the asset already exists) and accept the blame if anything goes wrong (you're already rich enough to be functionally untouchable). I can absolutely believe that FAQ is this dumb, without a doubt