I've seen guys strike out more than their batting average before, but one of these seasons, Judge might hit .300 and do it.
I swear, Josh Donaldson kills the Yankees EVERY single time he faces them.
He'd be a legit MVP candidate if he played the Yankees every game.
I mean, hes kinda been a legit MVP candidate (and winner) since being traded to Toronto lol.
CC is cooked.
CC has been bad since coming off of the DL.
So we now care about defense? The Mets have one plus defender, a guy they called up a week ago. I don't think plus defense is a requirement for playing for the Mets. Alonso is probably no worse at 1B than Duda is who is a below average fielder.
Would've much rather just offered him the QO! Doesn't seem like a great trade and it may mean the Wilpons are broke.
Isn't Alonso a pylon in the field? He's raked since recovering from his wrist injury but i'm not hitching myself to him yet. A season like this in AA and then i'll buy in; does anybody know the average age of AA now? Does BBRef have that somewhere?
Glad to see the Mets are operating like a major market franchise again. Passed up a package of multiple prospects from the Yankees because they wouldn't pay any part of Bruce's contract. What a joke. Joke team, joke franchise, joke ownership, joke everything.
What was the Yankees offer?