Question is would Cleveland have any interest whatsoever in re signing him? Or would they need an OFer? My main concern in trading him is he liked where he goes and decides he wants to stay there, but if they have no use for him beyond this year it isn't an issue
Bruce was never going to fetch a big return anyways. Been telling you guys that for months.
Glad to see the Mets are operating like a major market franchise again. Passed up a package of multiple prospects from the Yankees because they wouldn't pay any part of Bruce's contract. What a joke. Joke team, joke franchise, joke ownership, joke everything.
trade opens up a spot for Dom Loney
Bruce had no value it's not like they would have been getting particularly good prospects from the Yankees anyway
Bruce had no value it's not like they would have been getting particularly good prospects from the Yankees anyway
And as big of a jerk as Francessa is I believe him fully that Bruce is a Met next year barring someone offering him 5-6 years. This move may have been to temporarily lower salary and avoid having to offer the QO to Bruce because he'd probably take it and his 3 year deal will most definitely be less than 18 a season so the Wilpons may have saved 7 million over the next 14 months and still get Bruce back for 2018, 19, and 20. I know someone will say well then why not just keep him and not offer him the QO? Well two reasons. You don't save the 5 million this year and you potentially create an awkward situation with Bruce and his agent. Not extending the QO could most certainly rub them the wrong way. Now that issue never arises
MLB forced McCourt to sell the Dodgers, Wilpons didn't have to sell because they were friends with Selig.
Lack of accountability by MLB to the fans.
Did Wilpons file for bankruptcy? McCourt did.
The most stupid thing a GM can think of when deciding on a trade. What will the media/fans think. Who cares, get the best return you can get, even if that players helps the team you're trading him to win a world series. This thinking is so freaking ********.
Whether they did or not, they don't spend on the team they own.
The Mets had the 12th highest payroll to open the season. With all the money coming off the books following this season, it might not be top 20 next season. There is no good reason the Mets should not be top 5 every season.
How can you run a NY based team in a non-salary cap league with a mid market team budget? Is that fair to the fans that the owners care more about finances than winning? I don't think it is.
Most casual Mets fans care about the Yankees success IMO. It would be a slap in the face to them if their ex-player possibly helps them to a title.
Trading them elsewhere provides zero scrutiny so why not.
Most casual Mets fans care about the Yankees success IMO. It would be a slap in the face to them if their ex-player possibly helps them to a title.
Trading them elsewhere provides zero scrutiny so why not.
It's a stupid way of looking at it IMO.
They aren't running the team, but many of them are paying customers at the end of the day. Want to keep good relations with them.It doesn't matter, they aren't running the team. Mets should do what is best for them, not some casual fans who in the grand scheme of things, don't matter.
That being said, I'm glad the Yankees didn't p i s s away 2 prospects for Bruce. Trading for Jaime Garcia was bad enough...
It is, but it ultimately plays a big role for some teams. I wouldn't want the Yankees to ever trade with Boston to help them on a playoff run. Was against sending them Beltran last year.
Depends what they give us and they'd need to seriously overpay. I can understand Mets playing hardball with Nats. I don't agree with it but do understand it however not the Yankees who play in another league.