... and you would put up a huge barrier to attracting quality talent, who would want to work in that sort of environment. "Hey me and the wife are having problems" ... "YOU'RE FIRRRRRRRED !!!"
Before I took over my current department, the prior Director had a philosophy that the company owned you, in his mind his employees were the equlivent to human cattle, he did not respect the right to have an uninterrupted vacation, respect stat holidays, days of rest, 8 hour work day, home life balance, I have my suspicions but have no proof that he broke the labor code, more than once, he had an ever revolving door of talent and had performance issues with the people who remained, because of the high turnover, he had issues establishing good processes and practice's, the business unit was a mess. Sick leave and sick time were exorbitantly high, It was 100% because he did not respect the fact that the names that worked for him, were humans, with human issues, human problems, human emotions and were most importantly people. That mess of a business unit, I now run, based on company surveys, now has the highest rated employee morale, those scores have increased every year since I took over, customer sat surveys have improved on the same trajectory as the employee ratings, my departments costs are down, revenues are up. Mostly because I recognized the fact the people who work for me are not pieces of meat, who are easily disposable because they have home life challenges. This allows me to retain good talent, establish good business processes and practice's, there is a sense of a well oiled machine, TBH I could now take a couple of months off and come back and know the people there give a shit enough to make sure it does not falter. That is what you get when you respect home life boundaries and don't fire/ let people go people because they have family/home life issues.
One question on the employees survey, is "would you recommend this company to a friend or family to work at?" My department has the highest score in the company. I attract the best talent because I respect the talent I currently have. Morale of the story is you treat people like dirt, the results you get will be dirt. treat people with respect/dignity and they will mostly surprise you and make your department the best performing department in the company. Not allowing Dubas to work through his marital problems, is to say the least callous. Any self respecting person, wouldn't want to work for a company that had your attitude.