I mean think about it. If you wanted to take a break to work on family then you do that. You don't counter that pay me more money because all of a sudden the same family stress is going to magically go away
everyone has stress in their life 1) bills to pay, 2) some family members are not doing well (health), 3) your siblings' or their own marriage didn't last, 4) someone's kid is having issue, 5) someone lost their job, 6) mortgage payments just went up but income didn't, etc....
thats part of life. And I do sympathize with things that are out of our control and when unfortunate things happen I really do sympathize.
I mean everyone manages stress and relationships to the best of their ability. Although I can appreciate that your demanding job would make your own life a bit more tiring/stressful as you have to navigate personal and professional life. But if am not wrong, if it became too demanding then may be you will take a break from one i suppose you would be willing to take less pay to keep your family together and manage your own stress levels. I mean eventually we all go and all we have left are memories and life well lived; not how much money we made b/c 90% of the popualtion on the planet is never going to be filthy rich because we make the other 10% filthy rich as we collectively buy the stuff that thet other 10% sell always
You wouldn't counter that hey give me more money because the stress that comes with your job isn't going away, it will still be there. Chances are that if you are getting paid more you are given more responsibility and you would spend even less time with your family.
Dubas' action of demanding more money IMO just shows that he was just using media to negotiate better deal for himself.
At least that is my 2 cents