Just so we're clear:
there are currently only two 'local' mods on the Kings boards, and both of us are incredibly busy right now. We're doing our best, but if you feel like it's not enough, feel free to 'report post' instead of going nuclear back and forth. That will likely summon a moderator from elsewhere to handle whatever issue you're having.
As I mentioned before I try to let people work it out as most folks here are longtime posters who can beat the piss out of each other and hug it out after...seems like that's not the current climate. So I'll take a back seat to some of the discussions and just moderate so people don't think it's personal as they start getting rung up until we can all work it out. I'd also make liberal use of the 'block' feature if you know all you're every going to say to another poster is '**** you.' Attack the posts themselves, not the posters.
I'd also note since we're apparently re-entering the Kings' Dark Ages II that we are all fans of the same team and many have different visions; now that we've won the Cup twice, I think it's pretty clear that there's not ONE path or vision that's "right," so refrain from being combative just because someone sees that differently than you. We're going to see all sorts of visions from completely blow it up to no, we are contenders so make it clear that you disagree but support that opinion with evidence rather than personal shots.