They aren't. Another reason why why the anger is overrated.I really hope the ads aren’t on the customers jerseys. Won’t be buying another one if that’s the case.
Yeah I’m nitpicking. But f*** it I hate ads
Exactly, the jersey without the new ad currently has 3 corporate ads on them. 1) the team, Then NHL and the jersey manufacturers.The jersey itself is an advertisement, so I don't see what the big issue here is.
It's a designed creep. Move the posts a couple inches at a time until they get where they want to be. No uncertainty abut it, they want to monetize every single damn square inch of open space.
First were the board ads, then ice ads, then they added ads in the glass behind nets, then helmets, now jerseys. In a couple years we will see soccer style jerseys where the ad sits front and centre in place of the team logo.
What's ypur personal tolerance for ads? Mine was bypassed years ago.
Stanley Cup incorporated into the ad patch. Teams should be able to get even more money. Welcome to the Carls Jr Stanley Cup, f*** youI wonder how this might affect team anniversary patches, Stanley cup patches, dead people patches etc ....
Like I said earlier in the thread. My team's jerseys has been littered with ads since 30 years ago. It didn't affect my love for the team or the sport one bit. When they, as the only team in the league decided to get rid of the ads a few years ago, it still didn't affect my love for the team or the sport. It was just the same. In other words.. You'll get over it.
So your answer is that your personal tolerance is very high. That's fine for you and all, but for those of us who fundamentally detest advertising, it sucks.
If it was a free product, i wouldn't complain, but we are talking about a product with a very high entry cost point where ads are just a f***en slap in the face.
Yes, my tolerance is probably high. So is my understanding that when I watch a hockey game, the quality of the game, which of course is what I want, is not affected by some stickers on a jersey.
Detest advertising all you want, I just feel for you since you're letting a trivial thing such as advertising, which we're all subjected to hundreds of times per day, get to you.
It's not as trivial as you pretend it is. Ads are absolutely everywhere at all times every single day, and its getting worse by the day.
I just want to enjoy one f***ing thing in my life for a few hours without someone trying to sell me a Bud Light.
I was thinking this while driving the other day. We have created one of the wealthiest societies ever to exist. Shouldn't we use that position of power to hold some things sacred? If no one can build a big "f*** you and your view" billboard, is any business really worse off?
Shouldn't the whole point of making all this money be making a nice place to live?
We already pay a stupendous amount to go and see our sports teams in our leisure time. advertising on everything degrades the experience.
They're here. Blah
No, HFBoards only cries about ruining 100 years of tradition.HFBoards, cries about stagnant salary cap.
HFBoards, cries about steps taken to increase revenue stream.
I don't understand the point you're trying to make. Does the gambling company ad stop you from supporting the team you're fan of?You don't see the difference between supporting the team you are a fan of by wearing their jersey, and having a gambling company ad slapped on that jersey?
I think there's an obvious difference between companies and countries, so I don't think this comparison makes that much sense.In the same way a countries flag is an advertisement for the country. Would you care if flags started having ads on them. Would you like Finland to compete internationally with a big McDonalds logo? How about an IKEA one?
I do. I am sick of the creeping corporatization of the sport, so yeah I give a shit.Who
They're here. Blah
the most scathing argument for "don't care" is that other leagues in this country do it, especially soccer which has had rotating ads and sponsors for years, and nobody cares. But place one ad on a hockey jersey in America and shit goes crazy. Even though other countries and leagues have done it for years.I’m pretty surprised by the number of people in this thread that don’t care.
Maybe not that surprised. People are willing to put up with a lot.
Why should the NHL be any different than every other facet of life? Ads in the NHL are a symptom of the overall issue. But we aren't allowed to talk about that here anymore.I do. I am sick of the creeping corporatization of the sport, so yeah I give a shit.