I know it's getting bad in the hospitals, but so far, I don't think it's all that much worse than a bad flu season in terms of hospital capacity. You can find articles from 2018 talking about running out of space for patients.
Surgeries postponed after severe flu cases overwhelmed Toronto ICU
I think it is probably worse than a bad flu season, but it's not significantly worse. It's not like it's 10x worse. And I think in a few months, there will be more of a crisis if cases continue to grow. But at the moment, I'm not so sure if our hospitals are all that much busier than they were during bad flu seasons.
Dude. People are dying. Alone. In record numbers.
it’s a flu. It’s a little worse than a flu.
f’me man.
when they lock down LTC’s, do you know what happens?
residents are locked in their rooms. And the shortage of nurses means than no one checks in on them for hours.
they lay in their own feces. For hours. Until someone unlocks the door and comes to check on them. In Quebec, some homes have 2 nurses for 50 residents. How often is your mom getting checked if there are 25 residents to look in on during an 8 hour shift?
these are our veterans. Our mothers. Our fathers. Our grandparents.
and it’s not just Covid patients.
my dad has a terminal illness. He went to the hospital 2 days ago with alarming symptoms.
there was no bed for him. He was on a gurney, in the hall. While there, he vomited on himself.
since he was alone (As Covid protocols reduce visitors) he says he laid there for about an hour in his own vomit until someone noticed and took off his shirt. He had no change of clothes, so he laid their shirtless in the hall with PJ bottoms and slippers.
Ultimately, they addressed his symptoms while he most likely should have been kept for observation (internal bleeding) they sent him home at 4am as they had no beds to my 75 year old mother to look after. She picked him up in his slippers and pants.... no jacket and in the cold... and took him home.
You know his wish? Not to get Covid so he can die with family.