how so?
There is a fine line when managing public health. Far too often we see them trying to save one tree while the forest burns.
That’s your choice and you’re free to do so.I'm not going to risk getting sick or die to save ~~ the economy ~~
A curfew doesn't really make sense to me at all.
Why would people in the GTA abide by a curfew after seeing the Halton Police Chief travel to the USA
The optics... what a joke
On the surface it seems the costs outweigh the benefits. That is, the prevention of cases seems minimized in comparison to the disruption it would cause.
Granted I need a lot more detail and information to look into it.
More disinformation.
while we don’t know whether someone can still SPREAD Covid after getting vaccinated...
we do know that after 2 doses, the vaccine is 95% effective in preventing the vaccinated person from becoming infected.
this is the result of a phase 3 clinical trial where n=40,00
If people do not become infected, they don’t get Covid. And if they don’t get Covid, that’s one less infection.
That’s your choice and you’re free to do so.
I'm not going to risk getting sick or die to save ~~ the economy ~~
I am not thick enough to believe that economy > health. Without solid health and positive mental health economy will not flourish anyway
there is a reason for a saying “Health is wealth”
What’s the point of becoming a millionaire and then having lung issues for the rest of your life living with an oxygen tank.
To be fair though, Halton's politicians have taken an anti-lockdown, pro-business position right from the start.
Yes that’s become a covid lockdown narrative for sure. A lot of people I can’t talk to about covid because the conversation goes straight to “but it lead to more spread and more people will die.”Killing vs not killing is more than just a choice. Way to simplify things right down to fit a narrative
People aren't seeing it that way imo. It's more like "well I probably won't get really sick from this so who cares"
They don't see the consequences of their actions because it's not directly impacting them or immediately obvious
Goes to visit friends without social distancing and catches covid. They are fine but spread it to others unknowlingly. It's blood on their hands that they will never see.
Now if their actions killed their own mothers or fathers, the regret/guilt they would feel is immense.
Just a complete lack of perspective
I live in Quebec and I am still trying to understand the logic in a curfew. Are they trying to stop the spread or give it to more people by forcing people to shop during a small time window? I can't speak for everyone, but we have many 24/7 stores and I often do what little bit of shopping I need to do at off peak hours 9-10PM. I do this specifically to avoid people and limit my exposure as much as possible. Last night at around 7PM I went to my local depanneur to get some milk. At 10PM you are lucky if more than 3 people are shopping, yet it was packed . Safe to say I turned around and went home.
I live in Quebec and I am still trying to understand the logic in a curfew. Are they trying to stop the spread or give it to more people by forcing people to shop during a small time window? I can't speak for everyone, but we have many 24/7 stores and I often do what little bit of shopping I need to do at off peak hours 9-10PM. I do this specifically to avoid people and limit my exposure as much as possible. Last night at around 7PM I went to my local depanneur to get some milk. At 10PM you are lucky if more than 3 people are shopping, yet it was packed . Safe to say I turned around and went home.
Not everyone skeptical of our covid measures thinks like that. Some of us are just questioning the usefulness of lockdowns and weighing covid safety against possible greater damage done from the restrictions. I doubt a large percentage of people are as simplistic as thinking "I'll be fine so screw everyone else."
If you've ever been around anyone in your life when you had the flu or a cold, you've likely contributed in some small way to someone dying. Except for the higher infection rate, there's nothing unique about covid in this regard.
Yes that’s become a covid lockdown narrative for sure. A lot of people I can’t talk to about covid because the conversation goes straight to “but it lead to more spread and more people will die.”
That’s not what he said though. He said he doesn’t want to risk getting sick or dying because of the economy. He’s free to do that.
That’s fine, if you’re high risk you should do that, but don’t expect everyone to share share in your fear.I'm not going to risk getting sick or die to save ~~ the economy ~~
Lol ya why did you comment on my post in the first place? I’m lost as well.Literally have no idea what point you're trying to make