I think everyone has a
greatly exaggerated understanding of mask effectiveness. This is largely because covid spreads so much via aerosols which non N-95 masks don't prevent in the slightest.
But because covid can also spread via droplets, masks are at least partly effective against that, so they
slightly help overall.
So when people like Pookie say that if only people followed the rules, his kids would still have jobs... I simply point to Wuhan. (that's what started this wuhan discussion.) They DID follow the rules. They DID mask up very early when covid was a terrifying rumor on wechat (you being in denial of that notwithstanding). It didn't really help. Like, at ALL.
What did help? Literal house arrest for every citizen. The half measures accomplish very little, so they aren't worth the negative side effects (economically) they create. Half measures didn't work at all in Wuhan.
What further confuses things is that the countries that just happen to be pro mask are also the countries that closed their borders very early and had stricter quarantine rules. So it's difficult to separate those 3 factors.
I do know that in March, literally nobody was wearing masks in Vancouver. Half the people were wearing them by early Summer. Everyone... literally EVERYONE was wearing them by September. And that's when covid cases were highest. September to Decmeber, when literally everyone was masked up.
Let's also add that the "science" about mask effectiveness changed overnight when they became a political issue in America during an election year. All of a sudden it was "Hey, we've been wrong about mask effectiveness for centuries... but we're right now. Wear masks".
There also isn't nearly as much scientific consensus on mask effectiveness as the media leads you to belive. The Center for Infectious Disease Research And Policy makes similar claims that I do. Mask effectiveness became exaggerated once it became a political issue in America.