* Women's national teams don't soft-play high school boys' teams in exhibition matches, as they generally want to avoid losing.
* As proof of above: the hockey USWNT once booking a two-game set against two high school boys teams, but after losing the first one, requested the second be changed to a scoreless scrimmage.
* Hockey with minimal checking allowed (no hits into boards, no pinning against boards, no open ice hits once possession/space established) played at about a high-school-boys level will be a tough sell.
* The rules on body checking will become problematic to enforce once the teams get a history and a little bad blood between them.
* A standard marketing tactic for women's sports is to accuse men of misogyny if they don't support the league, but this tactic wears out quickly.
* The launch of this league has been extremely poor, both in terms of brand building and general marketing; perhaps the least in any league I've seen.
* The inability to wager on the games will hurt the ability to generate interest, or even any free-to-enter promotional contest (player points pool, survivor pool, prediction contest) to generate meta-level interest.
I will now take questions at this time