And why oh why would we want to extend all of them? A new coach won’t matter unless the core is shaken up. Babcock didn’t work, Keefe did not work, why would next coach work? The core is the biggest issue, and it has not been touched yet.
do you think Toronto should be down 3-0?
if yes, then your statement is true, if not, it's Keefe's fault,
you cant blame the players for playing the game the way the coach draws it up and it not working, and then the coach not adapting or changing a damn thing other than to put in the defender that was on the ice for 75% of every goal scored against, thats 100% the coaches fault.
Dubas's biggest mistake was trusting that Keefe could get it done with an improved lineup.
This team should not be down in this series, and any decent coach would be ahead right now.
we arent a pressure team, we arent a rush team, we arent a dump and chase team, we just float around and kriss cross and hope their defenders get mixed up and someone gets lucky
and on defense, lets just back up and let the other team have free reign in our zone, and not double team the guy with the puck and have a 3rd guy in support (like pretty much every other team does)
no, we play man defense with weak ass players like Holl who could be dispossessed by a 120 lb child
my pent up frustration is starting to show i think