1. arizona - losing culture, risk of being bought and moved, the arena
2. ottawa - lived there for 3 years for work and it was super boring, lack of diversity in the food scene, people, culture, the arena is in KANATA (poor planning), would have said ownership but that recently changed so don't know anymore.
3. toronto - don't enjoy the spotlight and pressure, not a huge fan of fast paced cities.
4. washington - I heard it gets too hot and humid in the summers, being the capital I associate it to be like ottawa
5. Detroit - high crime rate
6. columbus - coach, crime rate
7. NYI - same reason as NYC, crime
8. NYC - I hate the concrete jungle, every time I visit for work, I get anxiety walking through the streets.
9. buffalo - weather, losing culture
10. LA - traffic is ridiculous, kind of all spread out
top places: vancouver (yes management is crappy but it is one hell of a beautiful city to live in so I would tolerate it), colorado (seems like a nice city with a good chance of winning), and winnipeg (I am from there so might be biased but also think it is highly underrated, from the food scene, lakes, diversity/culture, people, etc).