Don't breathe a sigh of relief just yet. What Nonis says and what the board dictates could be two different things. It's clear (to me) that the board wants some say in hockey ops. It'll be interesting to look back at that quote when a deal is finally reached
It sure smells like MLSE wants a piece and i am scared as hell that Anselmi gets to make hockey decisions cause we are screwed for the next 10 years if thats the case.
Hearing Nonis talk on the radio today has calmed me a bit though:
1. 3 year extension gives him 5 solid years to build.
2. He claims no pressure from MLSE to make playoffs this year and stated quite firmly that you only trade young players for other young players.
3. He also said if the Luongo deal gets done, it will be on his (Nonis's) terms.
Id trade Kadri much before dealing Reimer
Luongos done in 5 years, deal Reimer and we are in the same boat. Keep Reimer and he'll have half a decade of development under a true #1 goalie and will be 29 by the time he takes over the starting role.
I am with you man! Kadri is a piece that just doesn't fit on this team. I think his ceiling is a decent #2 centerman and we already have Grabo in that role. Grabo is only 28 and i am comfortable with him for the next 5-7 years. The defensive strength and the heart he has shown for us the last few years has sold me on him, period!
Kadri cannot be #1C just because he is not strong enough for NHL. I hope he gets some freak growth but at this point he is an AHL star, not NHL.
With Luongo, my preference is to first let Bozak go, then throw in Kadri if needed....but its just not a logical move for either Leafs or Vancouver. Why would we send 2 youngish centers for a goalie...and what would vancouver do with both of them?
That why for me its:
Bozak / Kadri (either one)
I think Luongo gives us 5-7 solid years and thats not nothing!
Don't forget Scrivens waiting in AHL, so we cant hold onto both Reimer & Scrivens for 5-7 years.
Thats my 2 cents.