hmmm.. but I seem to remember them in the finals in 20/21... weird!
Regardless... that doesn't change the fact that any year before and including 21/22 was not a rebuild year... Bergevin was still trying to make the play offs even though we had lost everyone ... He made some dumb ass moves and singed some crap hoping to bandaid over the issues and we hit rock bottom all naturally... there was no planned tank or rebuild in place... once he got canned and we hired Gorton things started down the rebuild road.... then we hired hughes, and it was clear what direction we were gonna take. they committed to the rebuild and at that trade deadline they began to sell off shit and start rhe process.... so like it or not, the only officially real planned
"rebuild" years were 22/23, 23/24 and the current 24/25.
can't put anything bergevin did onto Hugo... so yeah, at most it is only 3.5 years
21 playoff run was fun but also monkey's paw curling a finger, because now anytime we make any argument online someone somewhere shows up pretending like it was totally a real run