Yes, though I don't know if you'd consider it "hockey" and if that gives me leeway in your mind to have my specific opinion. I just finished a season in a silver beer league (but I'm much more bronze than silver). I'm 44, started playing roller hockey in my early/mid 20s and converted over to ice around mid 30s. I've never been coached in hockey, and only ever played 1 day a week.
In one of our games, a junior level player did a Michigan on us, and that pissed me off some, partly because he was way better than the rest of us...we didn't let them do it the next time they did it by bodying and checking them, but we also weren't anywhere near the level of wanting to continually punch him or anyone else in the face.
I'm not saying the crosscheck to Z's back wasn't warranted, and I didn't mention that. And while Z was prodding, it was quite light, not like he was trying to injure the goalie. Granted, we never like when people do that to our goalie.
I do have an issue with continuing to punch a guy in the face that's not even trying to fight, and that's the only major issue I have. I made a guess with the excessive reaction Beagle had, and maybe he wasn't pissed about the Michigan, but again, I feel scuffles around the net happen a LOT, without this type of thing happening.