You got it, the Hoffman issue, or the broken locker room as a larger issue. There were tons of comments that came out at the time and shortly after from guys like Anderson, Stone, Burrows, etc… all made comments, it was a well known implosion of a locker room. Feel free to go look then all up again if you have somehow forgotten about how it all went down, and what was said afterwards.
My problem at the time was that the captain of the team was central to causing the issues, and I commented on it several times, at the time. Him taking days off practice when the team sucked was just icing on the cackle for me.
This was all well known at the time and talked about. To those whom felt that EK could do no wrong, the same denials and excuses were made then, that are made now.
This is all part and parcel as to why I have no interest in having him back in the team. It’s not beef, and he’s a wonderful talent, I just don’t want him back as a veteran player in the room.