Everyone wants to win the Stanley Cup.
I agree.
It sounds kind of stupid, but when you consider that we are the org in the NHL that has the second most, if not the most, resources you seriously kind of wonder how those resources are used. What our USP is. How do we plan to do everything better than the rest?
There is a saying that goes something like "there are no smart people. Only stupid people who think they are smarter than anyone else". And while you can question it its still probably a pretty smart guideline to follow in life. Don't expect to get by by being smart. Work harder and be more dilligent than the rest.
But Slats is just such a prime example of someone that thinks he can get something done by just doing just what he does "smarter" than everyone else. Instead of setting up an organization that is "the" best. By finding new ways and leading the development.
One would be shocked if heard that we did something "nobody else did".