She isn't a skank because she got a STD from someone.
Shes a skank because she is sleeping with multiple members of the team and is clearly someone who is very promiscuous.
How do you know that EE wasnt given permission from his girlfriend to sleep around? Its quite common among powerful/rich men.
Its not victim bashing, its calling a spade a spade. IF this is true, she is definitely a "victim" in that she got STDs from someone who allegedly said he was clean, but it doesn't make it "bashing" to call her a skank. No one is saying that she shouldn't be compensated, but she 100% is a skank if shes sleeping around that much, especially with multiple members of the same team.
i was really trying not to get involved.
but if she's a skank for sleeping with multiple members of the team...
what does that make the people sleeping with her?
why is she promiscuous because she wants to have her sexual freedom (with
whomever) but not a peep to the guys sleeping with her. (do you think that they are only sleeping with this one person?)
She is stupid to sleep with someone without having the person tested, or wrapping it up (WHOMEVER he is, EE or otter wise). If she's a skank for sleeping with multiple people, then the men on the team are just as scuzzy for all sleeping with the same person, and if they are sleeping with other people too.
Goose. Gander.
in regards to baseball, if i remember how this trade deadline works - if we get anyone here, can they play for the playoffs? Barney wasn't allowed, or was that because we got him in September?