I adore and miss Buffalo. I'm actually here now for a week and make it up here from NC at least three times a year. Had my wedding here last year and was excited for people to see what Buffalo was all about - and we made sure to serve lots of Buffalo favorites including sponge candy for each guest, beef on Weck for the buffet, and then three hours later had Duff's bring in boxes of wings. I also represent Buffalo and when people ask me where I'm from I say well I live in NC, but I'm FROM Buffalo.
I still can't move back until they do something about the taxes and the politics. Just disgraceful. So many of my family and friends have left and so many more want to leave once their kids are grown or they retire. And it is all due to the taxes and the politicians. It's tragic.
I come up about once a year and im here as well! Been stuffing myself with great food. Fortunately, some good corn is just coming in up here