How open are you guys with your SOs regarding experiences you had in the past? I had a WILD run in my early 20s. I was as crazy as you could get, though I didn't dabble in any of the heavier drugs, only alcohol and marijuana. I would go HARD, though. I felt a bit ashamed about some of my actions when I was younger. I never hurt anyone. I would just self-sabotage when I'd get blackout drunk, and only felt a bit of remorse during that phase of life and would quickly move on from that guilt.
I never really opened up to my wife about some of the situations I put myself in, but last night we were talking about guilt/anxiety/etc...and I opened up regarding a few crazy things I had done in my younger days. I thought she may look at me differently, but she was surprisingly accepting. Not even a hint of judgement. I still have some demons in my past that are only for me to know. She doesn't care to know everything. She believes I'm wildly different than I was in my early 20s, which is true. She didn't marry the 20-year-old me.
It relieved a bit of stress. It's weird because as a boy it was normalized not to share my feelings or ever cry. My dad actually yelled at me in a church when I was around 1 to stop being a baby (according to my mom). So, opening up about stuff is foreign to me. It feels good, though.
never happened personally for me.
I have had a long time group of friends from when I was a teen. Me and my brother have a large group of friends. Most still live in WNY. Me and my brother don’t.
I know stories of my brother I have not shared with my nephews. Lucky cell phones didn’t exist then.
because of medication I’ve been on my whole life I rarely drink alcohol. If I do it’s in small amounts. With a special dinner I’ll have a glass of wine. Champagne at a wedding. when I go with the guys to some microbrewery they know I don’t drink much but I will have a glass and if one gets something I’ll ask thrm to pour a little, like an inch depth and have some.
I’ve seen the guys get sh-faced drunk and passed out.
I’ll just say this…if I wanted pot I could easily get it. I knew of sources.
my sis had a med pot card
i have no issue with pot. About 20 years ago I had brain surgery to treat one form of epilepsy. If I could not have surgery I might have to turn to CBD. I still have a second form controlled easily with meds. The drug interacts with alcohol.
many have pastthings they did teens/ early 20s they wouldn’t want their kids to do.
thr not opening up stuff is what was taught. My dad was like that. My mom was not. My dad was like you are out of the house at 18 and mom would basically say STFU