I was entertained by that episode, but didn't really like it. The visuals, serial adventure feel and action were satisfying, but the rest wasn't so much. After Andor, it's more disappointing when a whole episode is seemingly shot on The Volume. I agree that the mechanic lady was cringey (as always) and that all of the actors' lines sounded well rehearsed. I also don't have much interest in Mandalorian lore. I preferred S1 and parts of S2, when Mando was like the Man With No Name visiting new places and getting caught up in other people's issues instead of his own people's. It's feeling less like a Western in space and more like a live action version of the cartoons, as someone mentioned. At least the "Mandalore bathing" is over with so that the show can move onto something more interesting. Don't get me wrong. I was still entertained for 30 minutes, just not as much as I was in season 1 and, especially, with Andor.