Don’t think it’s very likely. If someone is spending the money it will take to acquire the Sens, they’re going to want their own people running the team.
President of Scouting?
Is Dorion, who has been that person for the past 7 years going to be that guy, after the team is done the way it has over that tenure? I don’t think that’s likely.
I’d imagine that the ownership groups already have people in mind, and have likely already started the process of vetting guys should their bid win.
They very well may like his plan, but they’ll put their own person in charge after the billion dollar acquisition.
They’re going to want to sell “a new horizon”, hard to do that with the same guy that’s been in charge for 8 years.
I wouldn’t be opposed to keeping him in a different role, he’s forgotten more about hockey and scouting than 99% of this board knows. It’s time the Sens get a new leader in place, which is a sentiment I’m sure new owners would share.