TAMMERFORS. Tre Kronor har ett intensivt matchande framför sig efter två dagars vila. Nu ryter förbundskapten Johan Garpenlöv ifrån. – Spelschemat är ju katastr
Garpenlöv states it's Sweden and Great Britain that has 3 back to back games this tournament. Four games in five days, two days of rest then three games in four days. For the second tournament in a row. He didn't even mention the ridiculous number of early day games Sweden has (three, also among the highest).
Even though I respect Garpenlöv as a coach as a torn, wet sock he really has a point. I hope next time we host the tournament Finland will have the most f***ed up schedule as possible. Mostly early games and the exact same schedule, with the toughest games all in the first span. And only surströmming as lunch at the hotel and scheduled urination on their sauna stones.
Finnish clowns. Nobody believes this is a coincidence. It will be even so much sweeter to perform better than Finland at their home court, as usual despite them trying their best to f*** with the Swedish team. This should be remembered with kindness and repaid with interest.