How am I bully? Because your own stubbornness? Because of your own arrogance? Because after a defeat, after a couple bad years, you still want to claim that you would be superior to others? Where does that need come from? Instead of appreciating others success, or just shut it? I mean it's not that difficult. That's tragicomical and that typical humbleness I was expecting. Sadly, many of you confirmed my fears.
The funny thing is that a lot of Swedish hockey fans usually have excuses, especially after getting defeated by Russia or even worse, Finland. It's always something, always.
You seem to have the biggest majority when it comes to complaining about something, no matter if it's about the best players not participating, bad referees, "Lucky" wins etc. Like three year old kids, you cannot accept a defeat against the former underdogs.
After you've claimed that Sweden would be better you can offer us your congratulations? Is there anyone besides "Eye of Ra" who managed to accept and respect others victory before stating that Sweden would be superior? And after that stating that nothing really matters? Has it ever struck you to reflect about your thoughts? Why bother playing national hockey at all then?
I´m actually amused because your comments confirm everything.
Lets focus on this sentence in particular, gloating? How? Because I´m stating that we should be considered just as good or actually better than Sweden? Does that hurt your confidence? Have I wrote that we were better than Canada? Russia or the US? Exactly. You are hurt and that's fine, but please stop creating bulls*it lies and excuses. My point is that very often do you have problems with feeling inferior to neighbors in the east, no matter if it's Russia or Finland, especially the latter one.