Speaking of mining previous ST for ideas, this episode is very reminiscent of the TOS episode The Naked Time, in which the Enterprise arrives at a ravaged planet and brings aboard an infection which spreads throughout the ship, causing the crew to behave irrationally, and eventually gets cured with blood work and injections. I also have to wonder how that could happen if, according to this episode, the ship's transporters had biofilters that could filter out that sort of thing. I was reminded, as well, of The Orville episode in which first officer Kelly saves the ship and then tries to resign her post in Ed's office, but is turned down and reassured by Ed, instead.
After they determined that the virus spreads via light, Chapel had to ask "so how do we stop it?" Obviously, they let only the brightest on board the fleet's flagship. Then, Una, trying to sound intelligent, said, "What's the one thing we can control that counteracts light? Dark hates light, light hates dark. So we turn off the lights." It's an example of how hard the writers of all of these nuTrek shows try to sound smart and treat their audience as dumb, IMO. In TOS or TNG, a character would've said, "it spreads via light," and another would've immediately said, "so we turn off the lights." The characters are on the same page, the viewers are treated with respect and the writers save 13 seconds of their limited 44 minutes.
I'm a little confused as to why the descendants of Khan wouldn't just change their name.
I'm confused about how you get to be a descendent of Khan without having his superior genes and when his clan has been frozen for 200 years.
On a related note, in Space Seed, Bones estimates from his scans of Khan that he could lift two regular humans with one arm, yet this episode posits that a similarly super strong, genetically modified person could pass countless medical tests without it ever being detected.