Or, and just a suggestion, our guys could simply not fight their goons, and play hockey instead.
Don't misunderstand, I enjoy some hockey fights. Dubi and Richards fights, Prust and Sestito, Sauer used to do it well. Cally's not the biggest fighter, but he'll defend teammates and fight whoever, from Cooke to Travis Moen.
I remember in recent years, having John Scott, Mike Rupp, Stu Bick, and thinking who on any other team is going to fight these guys that I care about? Who are they scaring, or deterring? They're just going to line up against Carkner or Shelly or Sestio, and give the skaters a break.
I remember having guys who can fight is a good thing. We goaded Sestio into 3 fights when he was with Philly, and got him out of the game so he couldn't take any extra cheap shots.
Then there was Boyle/Carkner. Boyle took some liberties with their stars, and Carkner jumped him. The Rangers got a 5 minute major powerplay. There was time to win the game RIGHT THERE (just ask NJ), but we couldn't get ****. If they had remotely feared a NY powerplay, Carkner never would have done that.
You don't need fighters, you need tough. Think DZ/Neil. Del Z would NEVER fight Neil, but he crushed him. Neil came out with a threat about finding DZ with his head down, and the very next game, on their first shift against each other, Del Z went out and crushed the son of a ***** again.
THAT'S my idea of toughness.