He can and should do as much work as possible, but he hasn't even been out of the league for two years, how much work could he have put in? I'm all for rehabilitation but we're talking about a man who turned a blind eye to one of his own players who was in crisis because he and the team were in the middle of a Cup run, and even after it was over couldn't properly address it and let the perpetrator walk to do it again. To me that's too heinous a thing to look past when discussing Quenneville and any potential future employment in the league.
If you want to read more about it
The Athletic has good
stories on the subject, if no subscription
Sportsnet and
TSN have good articles too. It was a gross case of neglect and apathy that cost Beach his career and hurt the lives of other young men.
that is a question that the board/Shanahan need to ask. but I wouldn't automatically assume that he
hasn't either. as someone else pointed back, a lot of that should be on Bowman/the board etc in Chicago as well. - not to mention as someone
else pointed out how we handled accusations of that nature back then is a
lot different than how we treat them now. (just like in 2009 how those accusations were handled differently than it was in 1999, and 1989 so on and so forth)
Again. as I said Quennvile will have to live with his actions for the rest of his life. He'll have to live with people like you (Not a slam, please don't take it that way - just going by your comments of how you and people like Steve Dangle want nothing to do with him, and will lose respect for the team for even going there). for a horrendous case of bad judgement (and probably just as some had said thinking that those in a better power of authority to do so to do something)
If he saw nothing wrong with what he did and was belligerent - then for sure. dont pass go, don't collect 200 dollars, no soup for you the whole 9 yards.
Like I said - I remember when Keefe was being rumoured to being hired and all his dirty laundry was being brought up, and people thought it was disgusting that the Leafs were going to give him a second chance and how it will distract the team and people should think about those who had been involved, and yet he was given a second chance. he spoke about it and then we moved on
So I truly don't understand why Quennville can't be affordable to same ability to grow from this (and actually use it as a platform to educated other people because I refuse to believe this is just a one and done thing throughout the league (any league) - and that is not taking away from who he let down when last time he was in a position of authority, nor the people who got hurt because he chose not to investigate further.
For me, it's not just about "getting the best coach" or "winning at any cost" as I said I am a huge believer in second chances if the person makes the effort. if Q has - then he deserves a chance. I said the same thing about keefe when his past was being held against him too.