Would it? What’s the correlation? Why would they do that?
You know that Rob Ramage once killed someone driving drunk, right? He went to jail too (not for long enough, mind you).
What does any of this have to do with intermission segments?
This has to do with individuals making their individual choices, not all these attempts to blame some external factor, like sponsorships for legal activities. Drinking is legal. Driving drunk is not. Gambling is legal, players can’t bet on NHL games. Pretty simple, right?
If Ron told you to jump off a bridge, would you do it? I’m sure you would.
They would if drinking during the summer was against the NHL’s rules. But the correlation here is wether or not it’s the NHL’s fault accepting alcohol sponsorships on NHL’ers poor decisions when consuming alcohol.
Look it up, it’s been a problem for decades.
Why? What does a sponsorship have to do with your (or anyones) ability to make good decisions or follow the rules?
The NHL actually does suspend people for drinking beer, but they also put them in a substance abuse program.
This trend of ‘blaming the system’ for things that are under the individuals control is asinine.
This guy wasn’t supposed to bet on NHL games. He bet on NHL games. That has absolutely nothing to do with commercials during intermissions, it has to do with him making stupid decisions.
I get that the ads are annoying (I am kind of happy to not have to watch another pickup truck ad, though), but that has nothing to do with this guy betting on games, and to draw that conclusion is really stupid.
Do you remember this?
Must be the NHL and bet365’s fault, right? Naw.
Grow up, hold people responsible for their actions. Stop making excuses for them. What this guy did is bad. It ruins the integrity of the game.
It’s a conflict of interest in the worst way, same as insider trading. You don’t say it’s the stock markets fault when a politician gets paid $200k a year but has a net worth of $200m dollars after a decade in office, do you?