I agree with a lot of the sentiments & points, especially over playing of vets but I'm not there yet to call Letang this horrid coach who needs to go
We are coming off our best season ever. He got a team of all stars to play a very good structured game & be incredibly disciplined. I think it's completely unfair to give Staubitz all the credit & none to Letang for how much development we saw from Romeo, Mast, Ritchie, Dillingham & even Kyrou in just 3 months. I know from speaking to one of those players they loved Letang & were very complimentary of him.
They have Brown & Kostuch on line 1 LW & line 2 LW. Brown on PP2. It's just that in certain moments he totally relies on Way/Sikic/Filak/Doucette to much. And that needs to change. I do disagree on Wainwright to wing for the sole reason he's our only C who'd be around for a few years. If he becomes a winger we have absolutely nothing at C. But I see the reasoning.
He's a junior coach for a reason right. Outside Hunter & maybe 1-2 others what coach in the OHL is awesome in every way (deployment, adjustments, special teams etc). We know that because as sad as it is he's still a better HC than what we had the previous what 10-15 years?
The roster is terrible as expected. We have arguably the least amount of F talent in the league. He had an assistant quit in the summer unexpectedly then had the replacement quit a month in unexpectedly. That's tough. And he had to leave for a month to go to Sweden. Hopefully get a real D coach in the summer and no distractions. If it's the same issues and red flags next yr then I'll be on board of wanting him gone
I disagree about last years team That team wasn't well coached against london Hunter changed his game plan for a less talented team to play us We all saw what happened Letang's arrogance and unwillingness to coach (which means adjust to hunters coaching style and change) and he wasnt willing to do that as he thought his style so above and was going to win.
Guess what happened London beat a much deeper and talented team.
Lesson learned by letang? No, forward to World Jrs wasn't able to adjust and use players that give team best chance to succeed played vets yet again even though the 18 year old got team back in game in the second.
Forward to this year, I see his failure to acknowledge the same style weaknesses and unsuccessful coaching, all over again like ground hog day.
Play the players that give team best chance to win every game. Change style find matchups to best play opposing teams he can't just run same thing all year and expect different result just like last year teams play differently.
I like Letang alot but it's time he shows he can coach rather than just post game talk about it and blame older guys for not bringing it, Or young guys for not bringing it, how about Letang admit team wasn't properly prepared for game and style didnt work.
PP isn't effective with combinations he has together either both units let's put 1 together. I get it, it's a process but let me tell you when I see same thing over and over shows me even more his arrogance to change and rather its players that arenr getting it done. Let's get a pp specialist coach in here with a proper experienced D coach and let's set this group up for huge success in next few years time is now rather than set team up for failure.
That's my take on Letang and staff, again I think he is good coach he is just an arrogant coach(to a fault) and those coaches do not get to next level as players won't play for him. I feel bad because he is a great talker to media and seems to know what to say. Very good at this, all I ask is he coach and play teams in front of him, play players that give us best chance to succeed game after game especially with a young team with average 19 year olds and some of the weakest 20 year olds in league play them accordingly.
Boys are actually very skilled just very inexperienced in game time experience in key situations. Let go Dylan step in and help things get better with guys at control.