Fire Dustin Schwartz
Look I think Bouchard is great but Makar is still a tier above him. That's no slight to Bouchard, that's just a testament to Makar. MacKinnon gets a lot of attention in Colorado but I think Makar singlehandedly elevated him from good to elite.That's the opinion of the dozens of Hockey Men voters that saw fit to have him finish 5th in Norris voting last year.
You're an eye tester that thought a guy that played 26 minutes got demoted. Forgive me for assuming you have f***in glaucoma or something.
My gripes with Bouchard aren't the defensive lapses that most defensemen make. It's the egregious bad passes in our own zone or sometimes a lack of effort (I think back to that Leafs game as a prime example). No I don't expect him to be perfect every time he steps onto the ice but you can almost always bet if there's a terrible turnover that leads to a goal against Bouchard is the d-man who did it.