I guess we have a different view on what affects the world. There is no such thing as people believing things one way negatively affecting those who believe things a different way. How people believe and view the world is entirely up to them. And whether I agree or disagree with them should not make a difference either. In fact the more different the views, the better. That is how this country was founded and this is how debates are made. One views or the others make absolutely no difference in anyone's life. Still gotta get up, get dressed and go to work. And wait for friggin' trains to finally run on time. Nothing is changing that. If your life is so sensitive to other people's viewpoints that you need some sort of a safe space to cope, that is a "you" problem. And it does not affect the world, not one iota. The world, as it tends to do, simply goes on.
Sure. When looking at such a world changing scenario, yes, they were wrong. Looking at what Trump, Sanders, Warren, et all are looking at, it does not measure to such a scenario. As such, it makes absolutely no difference as to who believes who.
Or where I have breakfast. Or my daughter's sweet 16 party. Or get my gas. Or any of the other million of things that happen every day.