Many are clamouring for a trade sending Holden plus something more to Trontah for Bozak to get an amicable stopgap C. Not a bad idea - however...
... Bozak has a cap hit of $4,2 M this year
Holden has a hit of $1,65 M
Difference is $2,55 M
We have $7,475 M left in space with Zib left to sign
Lets say we give Zib $5,4 M
2 M in space
800 k to operate team
1,2 M in space
So we either need to have Toronto retain ~1,35 M on Bozak (will cost us dearly as we are dealing with Lou), move more player(s) or use a 2nd buyout Marc Staal if this were to come to fruition.
I do not see it...