What are you talking about? Nieves is a clear 1C...
I said, before Boo became damaged w/concussions that
we acquired MacKinnon
AND he was bookended at RW opposite Kreider LW,
AND boo totally deferred to them and learned on the job
AND they happened to have exceptional chemistry
it would be stupid not to take advantage of that and redeploy the other 1C candidates = Miller/Zib
on other lines = more strong depth
it is moot b'c boo is concussed and that will eliminate 1st line minutes under all circumstances, even most optimistic
further moot b'c premise of us getting MacKinnon still not happening.
Glad to see people are keeping things in full context, and showing an open mind.
And we can always get Reinhart and Kane. Get bigger!
We should.
Some people be-atch and moan about how we never can draft top line potential, and when there is a rare opportunity to do so, they prefer to timidly play it safe short term instead of taking prudent risk.
So, you would rather go small, then?
i find it amusing that many here who pimp stepan as a solid 1C also throw shade at hayes and call him a 3C.
brain farts aside, hayes has more natural talent than does derek stepan. he's yet to put it all together but at 6'5 and 225 lbs, kevin hayes is far from the slug he is portrayed as here.
Hayes could learn to be a better skater.
But he is progressing nicely, and like you say, size you can't teach.
Nah man. Miller at center and Zibanejad on the wing, obviously
Both variations should be tried, just to see proof of the test.
But logic says, putting faster guy w/lefty shot, who is skilled passer, at pivot
while keeping righty shot Zib at RW,
makes more sense
then flipping them.
But so much for open mindedness.
Duchene is due a huge pay raise in two years. Are we paying him, Mika, and Hayes? People need to consider the long-term financials of these moves. That's why Step locked into his price tag now is such a good deal. 55 points a year, all situations play, and has the best goal metrics on the team year in and year out.
His deal is not spectacular good now.
He earns top $, is not a bargain, and arguably is slightly overpaid
that said, he is more affordable down the road on his fixed rate.
Concur as to long term financials
better to flip Stepan for value, incl cap recovery
re-sign our guys long term, long term = more $ = volume discount reducing annual salary rate.