The Keg has a highly variable history. It was pretty phenomenal in the 70s and 80s when everything was done in house. Then it became corporately owned (versus individuals basically owning a franchise but following guidelines - there was a lot more pride back then) and they standardized stuff and started outsourcing a lot of the material (for example they used to make salad dressing in house, then went to buying by the bucket). Then it went back to being more franshise-y. Now it's subject to mostly how the individual management team runs things and some stores are definitely in better shape than others. The three Winnipeg Kegs are owned by the same guy and there's a regional manager but each Keg is individual and subject to the personalities of the staff and management. We've had better luck at McGillivray but we also tend to go pretty early to avoid the crowds/rush so I expect that factors in considerably. Garry is definitely the flagship of the bunch and is treated as such. They did just move the manager of the last several years from Garry to McGillivray, presumably to up the game at that location.
@Ducky10 Hy's always was pretty special though I think it was best when it was on Kennedy. I kinda miss Mother Tucker's too.
Is Mr. Mike's ever busy? We've been a couple of times and generally enjoy it. My wife very much enjoyed her steak. One thing they do that I don't like much is buttering the outside of sandwich/burger buns. Trendy, I know, but not necessary at all. Easily avoided obviously.