The Raptors litterally just won 59 games and we just upgraded our best player position.
If Khawi signs with L.A over Toronto he is leaving $50,000,000 on the table.
So many scenarios could play out; including FLIPPING Khawi. so let's wait before anyone calls Massai stupid.
This is what we know
1) We were not going to beat Boston with Derozan and co.
2) Khawi is a top 5 player in the game and gives us a chance to go for it. If you can get a top 5 player; you do it.
3) We can actually flip Khawi to L.A if we choose.
4) If it doesn't work out; we start the rebuild earlier!!! This is so important.
I personally think this is brilliant. Massai has never lost a deal. I think he really proved him self. If all he did was added in 1 of Sikiam/OG this is a huggeeeeeee win in my view. People are being a tad emotional.