This is not one stupid mistake. This is a serious of choices designed to degrade women and this woman in particular. First you have to decide that you don't care about consent at all to take a picture. Then you have to hide it to take the picture without her consent. Then you have to decide later to distribute this picture. And it has to be done to many many people as it's unlikely his closest friends report him immediately. This was a designed choice to destroy this woman's life. Then he makes the choice to never apologize, never try to make up for what he did. It was only after the story came out that he made political moves to protect his future. As late team interviews he was victim blaming, he has no remorse.
I believe in second chances for everyone. However being drafted, particularly in the first round is a privilege not a right. A privilege he's clearly lost. If he showed real remorse, actually worked on himself and down the road put himself back in a position where he could join adult society it's possible he could make a career for himself in hockey. Maybe NHL, maybe not. However now the only lesson is make fake political moves and everyone forgives instantly. This is just bad for everyone. Terrible PR for NHL (particularly when you consider Blackhawks theatrics immediately following it), terrible PR for Montreal, no consequences for Mailloux, no reason to change. This is the ultimate lose-lose-lose for everyone.