Taro Tsujimoto
Registered User
Legends has been leaked and is in the process of being datamined. Be careful if you don't want to be spoiled!
I’ve seen some people talk about Nuzlocke and those rules are insane. I would go crazy. I can’t believe if a Pokémon faints in a battle you can no longer use them for the rest of the game. How does someone make it through the elite 4!!
That isn't the only rule: you are also limited to the first Pokemon of a specific route/city/cave/etc. If you fail to catch it (run out of pokeballs, faint it, run away, it runs away), you don't get another shot on the route. And you have to nickname them all to up the "caring" factor.
And even though I do some hard rulesets (made by friends; I'm enough of a Nuzlocke veteran that I don't particularly feel challenged by regular Nuzlockes), there's some things that go way beyond: I've seen a (successful, mind you; they beat the Elite Four and Champion) no healing Nuzlocke of Pokemon Platinum.
And that isn't even mentioning Nuzlockes of Pokemon hacks.
But honestly, it's a fun ruleset to play by; it makes you definitely appreciate underappreciated Pokemon a lot more. My Black 2 regular Nuzlocke (when I just started out) made me really appreciate Leavanny, Gothitelle, and Stoutland. Leavanny especially: Darwin my (adamant) Leavanny soloed Burgh, Elesa, and Clay. I had never used one beforehand, and I love the line now.
i guess if you are limiting it to one pokemon each route you can focus on leveling up your Pokémon and not have to switch around leveling others.
Legends Arceus getting good reviews:
Same here. Grabbing it after the work day!I've done a good job avoiding the spoilers, can't wait to pick it up tomm
I've done a good job avoiding the spoilers, can't wait to pick it up tomm
Same here. Grabbing it after the work day!
So I've played enough to share my opinion.
Light game system spoilers will follow, but not really story spoilers.
My opinion is;
It's an absolutely fantastic switch from traditional Pokemon games.
ProsHonestly, I'm very much hoping this is the new formula for Pokemon games. I hope they use this system for the foreseeable future. It's fresh and fun. Give me those three cons and I'm one happy guy.
- I love everything new they've added.
- I love that the Pokedex actually has missions.
- I love that the writing isn't quite so childish.
- I love that it's open world.
- I love the new battle system that is basically the same with some very cool adjustments.
- I love the idea of building your Pokemon the way you want. Maybe I'm not far enough, but I hope there's a limit on how far you can 'train' their abilities.
- I love the agile and strong attacks.
- I think the graphics are completely fine. I've heard some complaints but it looks 500% better than previous Pokemon games not named Snap.
- Not enough trainer battles.
- No competitive.
- No breeding.
Like speed, defense, etc. I hope they expand on it more in the future. I guess I should have said stats.what do you mean by abilities and build them the way you want?
Agreed! I would love to see breeding, a little bit more emphasis on trainer battles, and a couple more towns.I really like this game. I think if they find a way to do this with a main series game and improve the performance, it would really revitalize the franchise.
I also would not be surprised to see some Legends Arceus DLC.Could be teasers for gen 9 to continue their theme of new gen every 3 years. I hope not, would much rather them taking more time to actually make a game that's good.
I also would not be surprised to see some Legends Arceus DLC.