The biggest thing this game has done for me is remind me how boring Sinnoh is as a region. I appreciate that there's more nooks and crannies to explore than we got in SW/SH which felt like a very linear path but I forgot most of the towns and cities outside of vague details until I replayed and I don't think this game will help me have resounding memories of the world.
Though I was never one to enjoy Gen 5 like others, at least Unova was interesting. Unpopular opinion but in spite of being a more linear environment, I think Kalos was a more memorable region too from an aesthetic perspective at least.
Alola was a nice concept but you couldn't get me to remember more than the look of the opening town and a bridge where you have a rival battle if you put a gun to my head.
The overall Galar region is already fading from my memory too since if I ever go back to Sword it's to: breed eggs, do battle tower, do online battles, or do DLC raids to chase shiny legendaries.
What are you talking about? This game is much harder. They killed the shiny charm and brought back random encounters! /s
Though I was never one to enjoy Gen 5 like others, at least Unova was interesting. Unpopular opinion but in spite of being a more linear environment, I think Kalos was a more memorable region too from an aesthetic perspective at least.
Alola was a nice concept but you couldn't get me to remember more than the look of the opening town and a bridge where you have a rival battle if you put a gun to my head.
The overall Galar region is already fading from my memory too since if I ever go back to Sword it's to: breed eggs, do battle tower, do online battles, or do DLC raids to chase shiny legendaries.
I still don’t understand how hard it is to include a slider/difficulty choice. Just have the default be easy but let players make it harder if they want.
Leveling has been a joke since Gen 6.
What are you talking about? This game is much harder. They killed the shiny charm and brought back random encounters! /s
I actually don't mind that feature at all.
I picked it up and started playing late Saturday night, just finished the third gym. Having never played the original, its fine. The region seems uninspired. The story feels cheesy and considering what pokemon is, that is saying a lot. I am having fun, I just don't see that there is anything to keep my attention postgame. Unless I a missing something.
By the way...
In the Flower city or w/e its called, if you played Let's Go, the guy and gal there give you a free Mew and Jirachi.
Jirachi if you have a Sword/Shield save file on your switch, Mew if you have a Let's Go save file.
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