You're ignoring legitimate and trustworthy sources and citing vague and general sales data that have been true every year the iPhone has been on sale. We know the iPhone was one of the top selling phones on the market. We don't know what Apple projected. We don't have Apple confirming they decreased production, but we don't have them denying the reports either (google them yourself, it's not that hard). The sales numbers don't point to anything, they tell us the iPhone 7 continues to hold a high market share. They don't tell us anything else, certainly nothing that would negate reports that production slowed or that Apple was disappointed.
At this point, I'm 100% sure you're not reading my posts. You keep saying that I've said something I've never said, and you keep repeating the same post you've mde since I made my first comment on this issue. Before you reply again, actually go back and read my posts. I've never said sales sucked, the 7 failed, or even that it didn't sell well. The more you keep saying I did when you're literally quoting the posts where I didn't say it, the more you look like another Apple lemming.