This is pretty understandable. I, on the other hand, had a very influential 6th grade teacher show us Plan 9 From Outer Space. (The same teacher also covered a Pete Seeger song at a school rally. I didn't really understand much about either but, considering the Seinfeld connection to Plan 9, that teacher really helped shape me without my knowing, I guess.)
I'm really mostly impressed, though, that
@Jargon cracked the code regarding your movie history. But at least tell me you've given Bull Durham and Slap Shot tries since then. Sports movies aren't all total dreck!
I saw Steve Young in a Target in Roseville on the eve of 49ers training camp in Rocklin. I was a Raiders fan who actually liked Young--he was so damn fun to watch--so I thought about it, saw that no one else had any conception that it could possibly be him, and decided to leave him alone. That's my Niners QB (non-) interaction story.