NHL & Vegas Part Deuces Wild: Betting it all on Black (Knights)

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Waiting for Ishbia
Dec 10, 2002
do we know how seat assignment is working on this drive? is it first in, best seats? do folks get to choose specific seats? thanks.

They are sold by section:

A: Priority of seat selection will be based on the following criteria:
1) Length of season ticket term (10 years, 5 years, 3 years, 1 year).
2) Date and time deposit was made


Registered User
Mar 20, 2012
Guelph, ON
They are sold by section:


A: Priority of seat selection will be based on the following criteria:
1) Length of season ticket term (10 years, 5 years, 3 years, 1 year).
2) Date and time deposit was made

sweet, thanks. this is a good strategy by foley. the term data will be most informative, i think. i hope they will tell us.


Registered User
Feb 18, 2008
it's awful funny how lord gary works

if it's a Canadian city looking for a team they best keep their mouths shut and play silent ball


The Feckless Puck

Registered Loser
Oct 26, 2006
it's awful funny how lord gary works

if it's a Canadian city looking for a team they best keep their mouths shut and play silent ball


And why shouldn't he expect that after the Balsillie deal, where the guy went around catering to the "THIS IS OUR GAME!" crowd and proceeding as if another Canadian hockey team is manifest destiny rather than entrance to the club?

It's incredibly political, but you don't get into a club by knocking down the door and demanding the hot towels and cigars.


Feb 8, 2012
Mulberry Street
it's awful funny how lord gary works

if it's a Canadian city looking for a team they best keep their mouths shut and play silent ball


It truly is. You have a bonfire and money making market in QC with an arena to be ready in September but not a peep about them getting a team. I get there is conference imbalance and all that but if they want to make a ******** of money, Canadas here :)

A Pointed Stick

No Idea About The Future
Dec 23, 2010
I have huge misgivings about Phoenix moving to Las Vegas, or expansion in LV.

I have friends there... That city is a big paper tiger financially.


Registered User
Mar 18, 2014
Miles City, Montana
It truly is. You have a bonfire and money making market in QC with an arena to be ready in September but not a peep about them getting a team. I get there is conference imbalance and all that but if they want to make a ******** of money, Canadas here :)

I'm rooting for QC to land a franchise and would be really upset if those fans and that soon to be state of the art facility doesn't have a pro hockey team to call their own. THAT SAID, comparing the quietness of QC to the open drive in Las Vegas is truly apples and oranges. As everyone and their dog knows, there is a hockey market in QC whereas nobody knows what kind of market there may or may not be in Vegas. Foley and co. HAVE to run a public drive like this to guage the potential market, Quebecor (Or whoever will be involved their from an ownership stand point) doesn't and Gary Bettman knows that.

Again, fully rooting for QC (Think it would be highly advantageous from a business stand point for the league to expand to Vegas and AC simultaneously) but to continually bash Bettman and the league office for the two situations is borderline ridiculous and is really only being done because doing so is the fashionable thing for a lot of hockey fans. Don't like something, just blame "Little" Gary.

Bixby Snyder

May 11, 2005
As a fan of a western Canadian team I'm all for expansion out west, the NHL needs to balance out the conferences and make travel easier for its western clubs. Getting into LV before the NBA would be huge for the NHL and if Foley is willing pay the fee the NHL would be stupid to ignore it.

Quebec City will always be there if the NHL needs it but it'll be on the league's terms. Hopefully Seattle can get their **** together and join in, then we can talk about QC and one more western team.


bettman's a Weasel
May 4, 2009
It truly is. You have a bonfire and money making market in QC with an arena to be ready in September but not a peep about them getting a team. I get there is conference imbalance and all that but if they want to make a ******** of money, Canadas here :)

There is no such thing as conference imbalance. Just look at the conferences in the other major sports leagues, and ask yourself if they are balanced. The nhl is emphasizing the 'conference imbalance' in order to reduce the (Candian) public backlash from putting new money losing, welfare recipient teams in the western USA instead of the rich, surefire money makers in eastern Canada. MOD
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A guy with a bass
Sep 10, 2004
Charlotte, NC
The other 3 sports leagues are exactly balanced between the conferences. 15 East/West in basketball. 15 AL/NL in baseball (recent development). 16 AFC/NFC in football.


Registered User
Sep 22, 2004
Sin City
I have huge misgivings about Phoenix moving to Las Vegas, or expansion in LV.

I have friends there... That city is a big paper tiger financially.

First, there is no hockey team in Phoenix.

Second, the hockey team in Arizona is not moving to Nevada. For at least three years.

Third, Vegas is getting an expansion team.


Registered User
Feb 18, 2008
And why shouldn't he expect that after the Balsillie deal, where the guy went around catering to the "THIS IS OUR GAME!" crowd and proceeding as if another Canadian hockey team is manifest destiny rather than entrance to the club?

It's incredibly political, but you don't get into a club by knocking down the door and demanding the hot towels and cigars.

oh i was more thinking about Winnipeg and Quebec.


Registered User
Feb 18, 2008
The other 3 sports leagues are exactly balanced between the conferences. 15 East/West in basketball. 15 AL/NL in baseball (recent development). 16 AFC/NFC in football.

are they balanced geographicly?

The Feckless Puck

Registered Loser
Oct 26, 2006
oh i was more thinking about Winnipeg and Quebec.

So was I.

TNSE learned a whole lot about how to get a team from Balsillie's bad example. Those guys were not stupid. They told Bettman, "We're here, we're ready for you, but we're not going to pressure you like that Blackberry guy did." And that's why Winnipeg got the Thrashers with a minimum of fuss.

Quebec City is playing a little closer to the line - they built the new arena (good, because it gives the NHL a ready-made league-caliber facility) but the vibe coming out of the city for a while was, "We are DEFINITELY getting a team." That sentiment, while understandable especially given the context of QC's past, flirts a bit too hard with certainty and forcing the league's hand.

The NHL is a business but it's also a boys' club. Gary Bettman is simply the guy who issues the press releases for the guys in smoking jackets in the big plush leather seats. THOSE are the guys for whom people have to dance in order to get membership in the club - particularly if the boys are not naturally motivated to let them in like they appear to be with Las Vegas.


Registered User
Mar 22, 2011
are they balanced geographicly?

I would say as much as possible.

The only real outliers in MLB are Houston and Texas, both in the AL West but even that helps as it creates a new rival for both the Rangers and Astros.

The NFL has Kansas City and St. Louis in the West but that's not a big deal because there's one game a week and no game starts later than 8:30 Eastern time.

The NBA isn't great with Memphis and New Orleans in the West, though that is somewhat mitigated by being in a division with San Antonio, Dallas and Houston so they're all relatively close.

Minnesota and Oklahoma City kind of get screwed by being in a division with Denver, Portland and Utah.


A guy with a bass
Sep 10, 2004
Charlotte, NC
are they balanced geographicly?

Yes. The NFL and MLB use a different alignment model. The geographical balance exists within the conferences (called leagues in MLB) instead of across the league as a whole. But the geographical balance does exist.


Registered User
Feb 18, 2008
I would say as much as possible.

The only real outliers in MLB are Houston and Texas, both in the AL West but even that helps as it creates a new rival for both the Rangers and Astros.

The NFL has Kansas City and St. Louis in the West but that's not a big deal because there's one game a week and no game starts later than 8:30 Eastern time.

The NBA isn't great with Memphis and New Orleans in the West, though that is somewhat mitigated by being in a division with San Antonio, Dallas and Houston so they're all relatively close.

Minnesota and Oklahoma City kind of get screwed by being in a division with Denver, Portland and Utah.

and i guess that is what i was getting at

the nhl created this numbers imbalance due to geography

it's nothing that has to be, needs to be set/cast in stone.

so in my opinion to use that as something against Addison Quebec is just smoke and mirrors.


bettman's a Weasel
May 4, 2009
Ignoring the rest of your post, I did what you suggested. I looked at the other conferences and asked myself if they were balanced. The answer was yes.

Are the conferences in the other leagues made such that the eastern one has teams only in the eastern time zone, and the western conference composed of teams in any time zone except eastern? No, not even remotely close. And nobody needs a history lesson on the mergers of the leagues in MLB and the NFL. Conference composition should not be nearly as important as choosing markets that make financial sense. The nhl has created this ridiculous illusion of needing to add 2 western teams, and people like you are buying into it hook, line, and sinker. If they must, just add Toronto2/Hamilton and Quebec into the western conference, I'm sure they'd be fine with it. Or, just move 2 other of the present eastern conference teams into the west, it's been done before.

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bettman's a Weasel
May 4, 2009
Yes. The NFL and MLB use a different alignment model. The geographical balance exists within the conferences (called leagues in MLB) instead of across the league as a whole. But the geographical balance does exist.

Think about it for a minute. In MLB and NFL, all 4 conferences/leagues are composed of teams from coast to coast, yet bettman/nhl are asking you to believe that having 2 eastern time zone teams in the nhl western conference is sacreligious, heresy, a complete non starter? Does that truly make sense to you?


A guy with a bass
Sep 10, 2004
Charlotte, NC
and i guess that is what i was getting at

the nhl created this numbers imbalance due to geography

it's nothing that has to be, needs to be set/cast in stone.

so in my opinion to use that as something against Addison Quebec is just smoke and mirrors.

No no no. It's not smoke and mirrors. To say it's not set in stone and there are other ways to do it is to say that the league needs to abandon its current alignment model and adopt a totally different system where both conferences span the continent. One isn't inherently better than the other, but the NHL has chosen this model and that requires adherence to the basic principles of it. If they want to change it to the other model, they can. Let's live in this reality though, not an alternate one.

And I'm saying that as a person who thinks the NHL is likely fine with 17/15
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