I think the hate for Georgia to have an NHL team once again is somewhat unwarranted. Considering Forsyth County is a hockey-affliated city already and the town is developing an "entertainment hub" with the arena planned to be developed right in the heart of it... I'd be interested to see what kind of franchise this could be if they bring back the Thrashers.
The reason the Thrashers sucked before is because the owners failed to commit investing into a hockey franchise as other, bigger sports were more interesting avenues as revenue-bringers long term. If they have reputable, honest ownership this time, I can see a fairly successful resurgence.
Minnesota got a 2nd shot at an NHL team in 2000, one year after the Thrashers joined the league. They have made the conference finals once, and only twice otherwise have made round 2. Last time in 2015. Even after the summer 2012 Free Agent splash they pulled off. This is not a shot at the franchise, but merely an example.
...Now the argument against adding yet another team into this league and throw off the 16 team conference balance we currently have, I can jump on board with.