First, of course it's "my opinion"....isn't that what message boards are for, to express "our opinions"???
Weird that it seems you get to express your opinion and I should just take it and be silent, but then I express my opinion and you seem to take offense to it.

Almost like maybe there's a double-standard going on. Well, probably not - I'm sure
this is different.
Second, you imply my opinion is "complete and utter horseshit", but than you also agree that any expansion will further dilute the available talent in the league.
I said the idea that any standard can be defined to objectively determine who is and who isn't "league caliber" such that it can be used to determine when expansion is and isn't acceptable such that it doesn't dilute talent across the league is complete and utter horseshit.
Please learn how to read what's written, not what you want to believe was written.
I did agree that any expansion further dilutes the available talent in the league. I
also said - which, if you'd read the comment completely, you'd have understood - that's true for
any expansion, even one where the league is chock full of talent and everyone playing is of "league caliber." Expansion necessarily adds in players who are
not "league caliber" and now teams have to add those guys to the roster ... which, going back to your original complaint, now means that teams have "2-3 players on most every team that probably should be playing in the AHL [or whatever lower league], but are forced onto an NHL [main league] roster because there isn't enough quality talent out there to fill those spots" which now becomes a reason why a league
should not expand.
In other words: you create circular logic where "we can't expand until there's enough talent to play in the league" yet "if a guy was talented enough to play in the league, he'd already be there - but he's not there, so he doesn't have enough talent" and so there's never a point at which expansion is acceptable. Which, that's pretty much the argument used by everyone who's against expansion.
Third, I never claimed there was an "objective standard" by which someone can identify if a player is "league caliber".
Your continued assertions about how many players aren't qualified to play in the league imply that you have some way of knowing who is and isn't able to play in the league. Which,
* If you do have such a way, please explain how you're deciding that to some objective standard that doesn't rely on "I think" or "I know" or "it's obvious that" or other similar statements
* If you don't have such a way, simply concede that you're
guessing that's the case, you
think that's the case, but you
really don't know if that's the case, but you want everyone to believe it because otherwise someone else's skepticism is devastating to your argument.
My point (which you seem to agree with), is that the talent pool gets stretched with every expansion in the league....which by definition means, fewer talented players on each team.
Answered above, but I'm going to point out again: complaining ""the talent pool gets stretched with every expansion in the league....which by definition means, fewer talented players on each team" is an argument for
never expanding, because it is impossible to have an expansion that strengthens the talent pool
and means more talented players on every team. Or, keeps the talent pool the same and means the same number of talented players on every team.
The result is that players who previously wouldn't be considered for an NHL roster spot, now are out of necessity.
You mean like guys who were added to the league in the Next Six expansion? They weren't previously considered for an NHL roster spot, but they were out of necessity. And, it diluted the talent level across the NHL. And, that caused existing teams to have to add to the roster a few players who weren't "NHL caliber" - because, again, if they were NHL caliber
they would have already been on the NHL roster to begin with.
So by your own arguments: the league should have
never expanded beyond 6 teams in 1967, or even expanded the playing roster from 16 skaters + 2 goalies to 17+2 in 1971 and then to 18+2 in 1982, because all of those moves diluted the talent level in the league and added players who otherwise wouldn't have been qualified to play in the NHL.
Bottom line: I really don't care about whether the league expands or not. It doesn't affect me at all. I
do want you to recognize how terrible your argument is for why the league shouldn't expand, and that you're making the same exact unprovable arguments people in the past made for why a league shouldn't expand, right down to "I believe _________ is true, so it is true, so everyone else needs to accept it's true, if you think I'm wrong
you have to prove otherwise."